[Outdated] Always Ready

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ghost Spider - 4 ppl Multiplayer 0 0 0 1.0

VillainTheory · 27734

Beaten several of Sinister Motives on Expert in a mixture of 1-4 player. The idea is to always ready without having an excess of defensive cards you can't play come the hero turn for smooth play.



  • Defiance and Expert Defense - dirt cheap cards that do well and trigger Web-Bracelets. Free defense + readying up!
  • Desperate Defense - Good for Jocasta to hold in case you need more defenses in a pinch. Can add more of these in 4-player, can be removed in solo.
  • Jump Flip - Defense that can also block damage outside of an attack. Add more of these in solo to handle the main scheme.
  • What Doesn't Kill Me - Exhausted after defending lots/an encounter card? Ready up! Underrated based on what I've seen from other people. Don't hesitate to use this. Ghost-Spider gets punished hard for going Alter-Ego, unable to get an extra ready-up in during the villain phase - this helps you stay healthy under pressure.


  • Preservation - The healing is decent, the wild resource really helps meet her hero cards' resource requirements.



  • Armored Vest - Old faithful. Consider adding a second copy in if the villain starts with 3 ATK, you will want this fast.
  • Flow Like Water - Using defense interrupts draws you cards and readies you up. Now? You also slap the bad guy. Consider adding Electrostatic Armor if you tweak this deck and have space, consider swapping it in entirely instead of Flow Like Water in solo.
  • Hard to Ignore - Just one for tempo. Add a second in solo. I find a third hard to justify with other upgrades and a need for many response/interrupts.
  • Indomitable - Can be dropped solo. Good for that extra defending in a pinch.
  • Plan B - Spare card disposal. Flexible damage, good exchange ratio, extra-helpful in solo. Still useful in multiplayer.
  • Unflappable - Your third Web-Bracelet but it's cheaper. Consider putting a second copy in against high-pressure villains where you need to build your board up quick.

Mulligan priorties: 1) Web-Bracelet, 2a) Unflappable, 2b) Armored Vest

George Stacy is extremely valuable as he is in any Ghost-Spider deck, but he's a risk until your obligation is gone. Play him early if your turn works out that you can afford him, otherwise press on.

Good luck!


Sep 10, 2023 StarwindM · 27

I enjoy the concept of the deck. I feel ike having too many What Doesn't Kill Me just ends up as dead cards in hand unless you're playing 2+ players. The Desperate Defenses make me feel similairly. Maybe drop them for some Not Todays now that those are available.

I'd love to see an update to this bringing it in line with the current card pool. Shocked to only see 3 allies though.