Thor - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MiguelCantillo3 · 12048

English / Spanish

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The deck was tested on Poison Goblin in expert mode and defeated without difficulty, reaching up to 16 cards in hand for two consecutive turns (+1 through Asgard, +2 after the ability of Thor's hero during the villain phase via the villain's own encounter cards, otherwise thanks to Heimdall, +2 during Thor during the hero phase through Angela, any copy of Defender of the Nine Realms, or one of the three copies of Looking for Trouble, +2 at least through "Bring It!", +1 from The Bifrost even if we officially put the ally directly into play, +3 through Hall of Heroes having stacked even more than three counters, +1 Mjolnir on alter-ego, and +4 from all four cards of Thor).

Objective of the Deck and Cards:

Therefore, the main objective of the deck will be to face a minion each of the turns to draw two cards taking advantage of the ability of Thor. To do this, we will have three copies of Defender of the Nine Realms, three of Looking for Trouble, Angela and Heimdall, being able to draw up to four cards with Heimdall, if we face two minions in different phases of the game.

With at least one minion engaged per turn, it's normal to include three copies of "Bring It!" as card draw and deck recycling, though I recommend swapping them for [Get Over Here!](/card/ 06014) in multiplayer mode; Hercules card that best fits with Thor and Hall of Heroes being able to accumulate as many counters as we want.

To control the threat, therefore, the three copies of Looking for Trouble were included together with Defender of the Nine Realms. And three copies of Into the Fray, in a deck which will not lack minions on the table.

The second goal of the deck is to get the most out of The Bifrost. It is an extraordinary card, which, for a resource you draw a card choosing between one of the asgard allies. For this reason, all possible asgard allies were added, and this strategy was included in Thor with Lady Sif, unlike [Annabelle Riggs](/card/ 25003) in Valkyrie, for being an asgard ally.

Being able to play at least one aggressive looking ally per turn with The Bifrost, it was important to include the Boot Camp buff to do the bulk of the deck's damage with our allies. In turn, the basic stats of Thor DEF and ATK stand out equally, although it is true that Mjolnir adds a +1 ATK, [Hammer Throw](/card /06005) and Lightning Strike make us continuously lose the hammer. For this reason, along with the damage we can do with our allies, it is more interesting in Thor to take advantage of its 6 REC along with Down Time, and use the ability of alter -ego to use Mjolnir on most turns as an additional resource while waiting for a possible Hammer Throw.

Lastly, Wasp was included comboing with the two copies of God of Thunder along with the high number of energy resources.

So using the aggressiveness skin on Thor seems like the right thing to me right now.


The following very commonly used cards in Thor have been discarded for the following reasons:

  1. Team-Building Exercise: for being incompatible with The Bifrost.
  2. Deft Focus: For five superpower cards I don't think it's profitable at all, especially compared to other characters in the game.
  3. All cards that match upgrades weapon: Compared to other characters like Venom, and even Valkyrie, who has two upgrades arma that we don't mind exhausting, I don't think he's the best character to use these cards.
  4. Chase Them Down: Could be a good option, however, it fits much better on Valkyrie for two reasons. First, we missed the chance to monetize The Power of Aggression, which Into the Fray doesn't. The second and more important, it presents a science type resource unlike Into the Fray energy type, much more useful in Thor.
  5. Godlike Stamina: Also better option on Valkyrie. It does not enhance the dynamics of the deck and, in addition, it presents a physical resource.


  1. Battle Fury: Unlike Valkyrie which features Death-Glow, this card could be a good option in Thor. Also, it features energy resource (improved suggestion by Fry). However, not wanting to boost its ATK without adding Combat Training and forcing ourselves to get rid of other cards with very round gameplay made us drop it.
  2. Lie in Wait: It can be useful for being situational by keeping it in play until it needs to be used, however, I did not find it interesting to add it at the cost of discarding any other card from the deck that compacts more the dynamics of the deck as I said.

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El mazo se probó en Duende Veneno en modo experto y se derrotó sin dificultad, llegando a tener hasta 16 cartas en mano durante dos turnos consecutivos (+1 a través de Asgard, +2 tras la habilidad de héroe de Thor durante la fase de villano a través de las propias cartas de encuentro del villano, y sino gracias a Heimdall, +2 durante la habilidad de héroe de Thor durante la fase de héroe a través de Angela, cualquier copia de Defender of the Nine Realms o una de las tres copias de Looking for Trouble, +2 al menos a través de "Bring It!", +1 del The Bifrost aunque oficialmente pongamos al aliado directamente en juego, +3 a través de Hall of Heroes teniendo acumulados incluso más de tres contadores, +1 Mjolnir en alter-ego y +4 de las cuatro cartas de Thor).

Objetivo del Mazo y Cartas:

Por tanto, el objetivo principal del mazo será enfrentarnos a un esbirro cada uno de los turnos para robar dos cartas aprovechando la habilidad de Thor. Para ello, dispondremos de tres copias de Defender of the Nine Realms, tres de Looking for Trouble, Angela y Heimdall, pudiendo con Heimdall robar hasta cuatro cartas, si nos enfrentamos a dos esbirros en fases distintas del juego.

Con al menos un esbirro enfrentado por turno es normal incluir tres copias de "Bring It!" como robo de cartas y reciclaje del mazo, aunque recomiendo intercambiarlas por Get Over Here! en modo multijugador; Hercules carta que mejor encaja con Thor y Hall of Heroes pudiendo acumular tantos contadores como queramos.

Para controlar la amenaza se incluyeron, por tanto, las tres copias de Looking for Trouble junto a Defender of the Nine Realms. Y tres copias de Into the Fray, en un mazo el cual no faltarán esbirros en mesa.

El segundo objetivo del mazo es sacar el máximo partido a The Bifrost. Es una carta extraordinaria, la cual, por un recurso robas una carta eligiendo entre uno de los aliados asgard. Por esta razón, se añadieron todos los aliados asgard posibles, y se incluyó está estrategia en Thor con Lady Sif, a diferencia de Annabelle Riggs en Valkyrie, por ser aliado asgard.

Pudiendo jugar al menos un aliado de aspecto agresivo por turno con The Bifrost, fue importante incluir la mejora Boot Camp para realizar el grueso del daño del mazo con nuestros aliados. A su vez, los stats básicos de Thor DEF y ATK destacan por igual, aunque es cierto que Mjolnir añade un +1 ATK, Hammer Throw y Lightning Strike nos hacen perder continuamente el martillo. Por esta razón, junto al daño que podemos realizar con nuestros aliados, resulta más interesante en Thor aprovechar sus 6 REC junto a Down Time, y utilizar la habilidad de alter-ego para utilizar a Mjolnir en la mayoría de los turnos como recurso adicional a esperas de un posible Hammer Throw.

Por último, se incluyó a Wasp combando con las dos copias de God of Thunder junto al elevado número de recursos energía.

Por tanto, a día de hoy utilizar el aspecto agresividad en Thor me parece lo más apropiado.


Se descartaron las siguientes cartas de uso muy común en Thor por las siguientes razones:

  1. Team-Building Exercise: por ser incomplatible con The Bifrost.
  2. Deft Focus: por cinco cartas superpoder no me parece nada rentable, y menos respecto a otros personajes del juego.
  3. Todas las cartas que combinan con las mejoras arma: comparando con otros personajes como Venom, e incluso Valkyrie, que poseé dos mejoras arma que no nos importa agotar, no me parece el mejor personaje para utilizar estas cartas.
  4. Chase Them Down: podría ser una buena opción, sin embargo, se acopla mucho mejor en Valkyrie por dos razones. La primera, desaprovechamos la posibilidad de rentabilizar The Power of Aggression, cosa que con Into the Fray no ocurre. La segunda y más importante, presenta recurso tipo ciencia a diferencia de Into the Fray tipo energía, mucho más útil en Thor.
  5. Godlike Stamina: de igual modo mejor opción en Valkyrie. No potencia la dinámica del mazo y, además, presenta recurso físico.


  1. Battle Fury: al contrario que en Valkyrie que presenta Death-Glow, esta carta si podría ser una buena opción en Thor. Además, presenta recurso energía (sugerencia mejorada por Fry). Sin embargo, el hecho de no querer potenciar su ATK sin añadir Combat Training y obligarnos a deshacernos de otras cartas con una dinámica de juego muy redonda nos hizo descartarla.
  2. Lie in Wait: puede ser útil por ser situacional al mantenerla en juego hasta que se necesite usarla, sin embargo, no me parecía interesante añadirla a costa de descartar cualquier otra carta del mazo que compacta más la dinámica del mazo como bien dije.

Mar 31, 2022 Fry · 247

Eh, I don't think Battle Fury is very good in Valkyrie, for the reason that Valkyrie should already be readying from killing minions due to Death-Glow. If you aren't planning to play Mjolnir, and since you don't have Combat Training, I can still respect leaving it out of this deck (though I think you should be playing those cards, and Battle Fury has that nice resource)

Mar 31, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12048

Thanks for your input Fri. At first I did add Battle Fury, including Lie in Wait, although as I commented I ended up discarding them, however, your comment is very correct and if you allow me we will modify the description and name you in suggestion. Thanks for the input!

Jul 08, 2022 Diegorco · 1

Hola, las veces que he jugado contra Loki con Thor Agresión me ha ido fatal. Porque es un escenario que no cuenta con muchos esbirros. ¿Lo has testado allí?

Jul 14, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12048

Buenas @Diegorco! Toda la razón. El mazo requiere algunos esbirros al menos. Es verdad que no es muy versatil, pero de haber intentado serlo, muchos otros campeones serían mejor que Thor y en cualquier escenario...