Pheremones Phorever

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schwall · 180

This is a deck for when you're done with it and just want to bully the villain. As long as the villain doesn't have, or can gain the Stalwart keyword, they're in for a bad day. I suppose something should also be said about Steady, but that would make things inconvenient, but still doable. Let me explain...

This deck functions by having Black Panther recur Pheromones and having Rapid Response recur Black Panther. Through these interactions, you can continuously play Pheremones on almost every turn once everything is up and running. The sequencing looks like: Play Black Panther > Have him get Pheremones from your discard pile > Play Pheremones > Next time Black Panther would be defeated, either by defending or taking consequential damage from activating, Rapid Response brings him back, and you go back to beginning of this.

So that's the main engine, how do we get it running? This deck needs 3 things in place to get started.

  1. A copy of Pheremones in your discard pile
  2. Black Panther in hand
  3. Either both copies of Finesse on the table or one copy of Finesse and Deft Focus
    Those 3 things get it started, then from there you just need to keep getting your Rapid Response cards to keep it all running.

That's what it does, how do we help it all work? The rest of the deck is built to ensure you can find your pieces as quickly as possible. One Way or Another puts a side scheme into play (and draws 3 cards) which we can then attach Chance Encounter to and then we're able to go get Black Panther or Agent Coulson when that side scheme is defeated (of course, if there is already a side scheme in play, One Way or Another is not required). Coulson is here to make sure we can always fetch up a Rapid Response, and Sneak Attack is good for putting Coulson into play on the cheap since we really only want him around to grab our engine pieces.

Other cards: Obviously, you have to run some other cards. Here's why I've chosen the ones I have.
Multitasking is just a great Justice card, especially since you're more than likely putting out some side schemes with One Way or Another.
Under Surveillance is just a staple of Justice decks as far as I'm concerned.
Mighty Avengers is great since once you're fully online you're usually gonna be able to get 2 activations out of Black Panther per turn, meaning he can hit and thwart for 1 more with each activation. Not to mention making Captain Marvel better as well when you do play her.
Quinjet is good for playing your Avenger allies for nothing if you have to discard them to an effect from an encounter card or what not.
Espionage is just great filler for any Spy character to get some extra cards.
Honorary Avenger is for Jessica Drew to not "break" Mighty Avengers.


Feb 07, 2022 Master_GM · 572

Great write up!