Brunnhilde's Bifrost Boot Camp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kaz272 · 69

Attention all Asgardians

Brunnhilde has invited Thor, Thor, Thor?, Angela, and Valkyrie, over to Heimdall's House for her special Combat Boot Camp. Don't miss your chance to Visit Valhalla and sit in the Hall of Heroes to witness the Godllike Stamina as these Asgardian heroes engage 10 minions a turn and handle them with ease.

Play Style

This deck is a multiplayer focused, minion mitigation powerhouse, with plenty of tempo. As long as there are minions to engage you can find yourself regularly drawing with two distinct modes that allow for quick and flexible setup, Death-Glow beatdown and Ally Swarm.

Fast Setup: Since this deck utilizes both Brunnhilde's basic Death-Glow abilities and Bifrost Ally Swarm you can turn 1 start laying the beatdown on baddies. Mulligan for key setup cards such as: Bifrost, Dragonfang/Combat Training, and Valhalla or more card draw from Annabelle Riggs, Chooser of the Slain, and "Bring It!" combos if you whiff setup cards.

Game Plan: The general engine is using Chooser of the Slain, Angela, and Looking for Trouble to engage yourself with minions. Chooser of the Slain, "Bring It!", and Valhalla to keep you flush with cards and resources to either keep playing Death-Glow over and over or Bifrost allies onto the field. All the while stacking Hall of Heroes counters to make flipping to alter-ego more worthwhile.

Key Card Explinations

Boot Camp: This is a fantastic card when paired with Thor as this allows you to have a 4 damage aoe against minions, which is invaluable against high minion encounters, such as Ultron and The Hood. However, the card only has value once The Bifrost is setup, so don't be afraid to pitch it as resources first time around, with the card draw potential of this deck, it'll come back.

The Bifrost: The lynchpin of the ally portion of this deck. All allies here, except Annabelle are Asgard this means you essentially always have an extra ally in hand to play as long as this is on the field. And the card is only a 1 cost! Definitely a must play when you have it.

Bring It!: Oh man, "Bring It!". Never has being engaged with 10 minions at once been so exciting, with Dragonfang and Combat Training in play, you have 5 atk against enemies with Death-Glow, so if you have 10 minions, "Bring It!" for 10 cards, you can most likely wipe every single one of them in succession getting Hall of Heroes counters off of each one. This card is really what can give this deck so much tempo. Alternatively "Bring It!" for resources to get that specific Asgard ally you need.

Hall of Heroes: Honestly, the least important permanent support/upgrade long term. It can definitely be clutch for turns you have to flip, but it's first on the chopping block for anything that pitches supports/upgrades you control.

Godlike Stamina: Heal 2 hp and remove a status card, in a 0 cost event? Yes please. Godllike Stamina keeps you in hero form longer, ready to keep swinging and helping reduce threat gain.

Shadows of the Past Warning:

Your nemesis Enchantress is a real pain for this deck, killing momentum as she guarantees that you get Seduced. Obviously you can deal with it, but if Enchantress is in the deck, Looking for Trouble is not recommended to play as nothing hurst more than setting up a big Death-Glow turn only to be unable to attack anyone.

What to do if there isn't minion spam:

While this deck is mainly meant to fight against minion spam, it still can be quite effective against normal villains, the play style will just be a little different. Instead of having Death-Glow bounce from minion to minion, you'd leave it on the boss for the most part and utilize the benefits of Valkyrie's Spear and Shieldmaiden to stay ready and healthy.


I have this listed a multiplayer only as there isn't really any consistent threat removal. There are the Looking for Troubles and Flight of the Valkyries, but those are more, nice additional threat removal, than consistent threat management, so playing with a justice is recommended.

I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I do, and please let me know any ideas for tweaking it in the comments.


Dec 22, 2021 Sergyui2005 · 1

This deck looks very fun to play. I would reccomend adding 3 x @momentoftrumph because the healing will be very consistant with many wasted overkill damage. Also 1x@hulk because it is such a value card every aggression deck should run it. Will try it out with my friends soon : )

Dec 22, 2021 kaz272 · 69

@Sergyui2005 It is a lot of fun, hope you and your friends enjoy it.

Moment of Triumph could work, as 5 attack vs minions can result in excess damage, the tough part is what to cut. Godllike Stamina does a good job healing, helping get rid of status cards, and able to use in alter-ego.

The allies in this deck work being Asgard allies is important for The Bifrost, so unfortunately Hulk isn't a great fit.

Dec 22, 2021 Kenji · 15

Hey, you can't run Valkyrie as an ally right?

Dec 22, 2021 kaz272 · 69

@Kenji Valkyrie has no subtitle name, and seeing as there are many valkyries in lore, I'm pretty sure you can run them both.

Dec 22, 2021 Kenji · 15

oh yeah that would be amazing!

Jan 20, 2022 eapfel · 1

@kaz272 Clearly these two are meant to be the same Valkyrie (the only one whose been part of the Avengers). Also the rule is still a bit unclear since they don't have different subtitles given that one doesn't have one. While we wait on an official ruling, I'd bet on the side of them not allowing the Valkyrie ally to be used in a Valkyrie deck.

Jan 21, 2022 Kingbarbarossa · 43

Eh, probably, but let's face it, there are probably a lot of large blonde women in that organization. The argument could be made it's a different one.

Jan 21, 2022 eapfel · 1

Not in the Avengers, it couldn't.

Feb 06, 2022 IceHot · 40

You should also be aware that The Bifrost does not guarantee an extra ally since it only searches the deck (not discard pile)...furthermore you never put the ally in your hand so you cant use the ally for resources.

Apr 22, 2022 camsimps · 1

FWIW, Looking for Trouble doesn't present a problem where Enchantress is concerned. In fact, it would be advantageous to play it if you know that Enchantress is still hiding in the encounter deck. Enchantress' ability only triggers when it is revealed, and Looking for Trouble does not reveal a minion. It puts it into play from the discard pile.