What If Doctor Strange Lost his Heart?

Card draw simulator

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Master_GM · 572

Spoilers Ahead

Dr. Strange has Lost

Doctor Strange loved Christine Palmer, but in this universe he loses her in that fateful car crash instead of his hands. Search for answers he went to Kamar-Taj looking for answers. Stricken with grief he will stop at nothing to bring back the one person that he really loved. He finds out that if he consumes others that he could strengthen his power. He has lost his heart and will do anything he can to get back the one that he loves.

Before he is ready to consume the power of others he will need to prepare the for the ritual. There are places of power that he needs to establish a connection before he begins. The Hall of Heroes dimension is one of the first places he needs a connection to for with it he call upon its power to draw more. Magic always comes at a cost and to in order to pay for it he needs to establish a connection to The Eye of Agamotto, the Helicarrier, the Quincarrier, and Martial Prowess. With these four in play he can easily pay for even the most expensive spell in his arsenal. His Cloak of Levitation does two things for him, it gives him Aerial to cast one of his most powerful spells and the ability to ready to cast more Incantations. Finally, establishing himself as The Sorcerer Supreme makes his hand size no different from his alter-ego mode. The Sanctum Sanctorum is not a vital location for him to draw power from, but it doesn't hurt.

His allies mean nothing to him. He summons them to the battle field to provide assistance and then when their purpose has been served they protect him and are banished only to return and do it all over again. Angela brings him the very best minions to consume, then she attacks and protects. Ironheart pulls a card, helps in what ever way possible, then protects. That is all that she is good for. Spider-Girl can assist with particularly powerful minions or ones that Dr. Strange is not yet ready to deal with just yet. Wong is a great assistant and has the most utility out of the group, he may be one of the few people that might get through to Dr. Strange to bring him back from the brink... maybe.

Once Doctor Strange has set up for his ritual he is ready to consume power. He will cast summoning spell called Looking for Trouble that will not only remove threat but call a minion for him to consume. With the strength of the Cloak of Levitation powered spell Dive Bomb he can cause massive damage. The spell Into the Fray not only removes minions, but threat as well. His own Magic Blast is a devastating attack that has the potential for more. Finally a Relentless Assault not only removes the minions before him, but the villain is not even safe from the attack. Cast any of these spells with a Moment of Triumph will keep himself healthy. For protecting himself he can keep the threat level down he can use Astral Projection or remove pesky treachery cards with a Protective Ward. His Mystical Studies digging for his Eye or Cloak if able. Finally being a Master of the Mystic Arts he is able to use his Incantation powers more times than normal.

When Dr. Strange has nothing left to lose and all the power to gain there is no telling what he might do.

Lost Heart

Alternate Cards

If you wanted to go over the 40 card count it might be good to include some Follow Through to only increase his power more so. Uppercut can work well, but it is expensive. Magic Attack can be cool, but it is really only one card and causes you to discard other cards that could be wanting that are better.

If you have any other suggestions I would love to here them. I had a lot of fun taking him against Ultron with the Infinity Gauntlet to play out the What If scenario. If you do, I would recommend removing Looking for Trouble because you get so many minions to begin with.

I hope you enjoy!