Doctor Strange - Money for Nothing and your Allies for Free

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

calderc23 · 82

Deck Concept: As the title implies this deck is built around the idea of building high cost allies for nothing or close to it. Summoning Spell and Rapid Response do just that. Additionally, I am a Cheap Bastard so I had a LOT of fun playing 4 or 5 cost cards for 2.

Turn 1: You want to hard mill for your best upgrade cards. The most important are The Sorcerer Supreme, Cloak of Levitation, The Eye of Agamotto. Quincarrier, Helicarrier, double resource cards, and Avengers Mansion in that order. Just make sure you have the resources to pay for it. (ie don't mulligan any cards if you draw Sorcerer Supreme, Helicarrier, and 4 other cards, for example, you will need to use those 4 other cards to pay for the Helicarrier and Sorcerer Supreme.

Ally Strategy: This deck is built around getting Yondu and Giant-Man out. Then putting Inspired, Laser Blaster, Honorary Avenger, and Sky Cycle on Yondo as he doesn't take consequential damage when attacking allowing him to do 8 damage a turn. Giant-Man gets the other Inspired, and the Reinforced Suit allowing him to do 5 damage a turn while his health is above 3 points. Note that Sky Cycle requires the character to be an avenger. Inspired, United We Stand, and Team Training are there try and keep Giant-Man mans health above 3 if possible. Try and also keep Wong alive as he can switch the invocation deck or heal you for 1 each turn.

Overall Strategy: As much as possible in particular after you are built up you want to be casting one of your invocations spells every turn. They are what make Doctor Strange the most powerful hero.