Card draw simulator
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MacGhille · 265
This is inspired by the 2 Fast 2 Furious deck created by @NocturnalAnimal.
I have always wanted to find a good use for Jarnbjorn, but my addictiction to Spider-Woman and Black Widow decks gave me little opportunity. Nocturnal has a great idea here, using Friction Resistance to fuel Jarnbjorn on every basic attack. I decided to lean into it and see where it could lead.
What I like about Quicksilver is that even small improvements have an opportunity to add up. That +1 attack is good on any hero, but on Qs it's more of a +2 because he can -and should- be attacking more than once. This is why Adrenaline Rush has a slight edge over other short term +1ATK cards, because the bonus from Adrenaline Rush lasts the entire PHASE, rather than just one attack.
Assisting in this maximizing of assets is Deft Focus, which Qs gets to milk more than any other hero in the game except Groot. For the record, Groot has 13 Superpower cards and Qs has 12. Next closest is Spider-Woman with 9, then Spidey and CPT Marvel with 7 each.
(Fun Fact: Groot is the only Guardian hero with any Superpower cards. Okay, Venom has a single superpower card, but it's Spider Senses. Which means he stole it from Spidey and I refuse to reward appropriation by symbiotes. That's the hill I die on.)
Now for the reason I even built this deck; Jarnbjorn. The symmetry of Jarnbjorn and Quicksilver is unmistakable, as the intrinsic card Friction Resistance appears to have been custom-built to encourage Pietro to swing this axe. I added Fusillade to provide more options for Jarnbjorn when you aren't attacking. I want to point out that the beauty of Jarnbjorn is that you get to spend as many 'might' resources as you want after attacking, allowing you to deal 2 damage for each resource spent. And each of these packets of 2 damage can target a different enemy. This is why the only double resource card I left in the deck is Strength.
Yes, there are a LOT of upgrades, but by mid-game Quicksilver should be a 2/3/2 bruiser with 12HP that can consistently perform three basic actions on his turn and boost his damage by easily 3 points per attack.
Unfortunately, Qs never really gets his dukes up very well, so there are a load of cheap chump blockers, as well as the increased recovery of Down Time. Further, Moment of Triumph paired with Fusillade is a great way to take advantage of weaker minions in order to stay in hero form that much longer.
As a final note, this deck is most effective against villains that dump minions regularly. In fact, several cards (Angela, Spider-Girl, Moment of Triumph, Battle Fury) are crippled or useless without the presence of minions.
Okay, my ACTUAL final note is that I almost never play my decks pure solo. There is always another Hero on the board, even if it's just me wearing Groucho glasses pretending to be a friend that stopped by in some sad recreation of Gollum's internal monologue.
So far, I have had the most fun synergizing with Ant-Man running Protection and Cap running Leadership (it was a glorious madhouse of allies between us). I have a Spider-Woman deck on here called 'No More Schemes' that I inadvertently built THIS deck to pair with perfectly. But really anything that can pick up the thwarting slack is a good idea.