Ms. Marvel Makes Mincemeat of Miscreants

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

monotone · 13

I've been playing Ms. Marvel with the Aggression aspect for a while and I think it's super powerful. Most of my playing has been in solo, but I don't see why she wouldn't be equally powerful in multiplayer, so I've tagged it as both.

Why Aggression?

Aggression gives you access to Chase Them Down, Melee, Relentless Assault and Uppercut. Together with Biokinetic Polymer Suit, Embiggen! and Shrink, plus Ms. Marvel's own event cards, this lets you do a lot of damage, especially to villains with several smaller minions thanks to the on Biokinetic Polymer Suit and The Power of Aggression triggering Relentless Assault. Additionally, Chase Them Down and Shrink combine to let you remove threat easily.

How to play

The deck revolves around getting Enhanced Reflexes, Helicarrier and Biokinetic Polymer Suit out so that you can play multiple big events; by the end of the game you should be able to do 10+ damage a turn. You want to mulligan hard for your Upgrades and Supports; Bruno Carrelli and Enhanced Reflexes are the least important cards, while Nakia Bahadir and Helicarrier let you get set up a lot quicker. Once you're playing, use Kamala Khan's ability every turn to discard until she discards a Ms. Marvel card; either play the supports/upgrades you draw, or use the events to keep the villain's threat and health manageable. Once you draw Aamir Khan, you can start putting cards like Strength or The Power of Aggression on the bottom of the deck so that you can play more big events before needing to shuffle your discard and redraw. Once you have everything down (except perhaps Bruno Carrelli and Enhanced Reflexes) you can start doing a lot damage each in this manner, and should be able to clinch the win.

How I tested the deck

I've mostly tested this in Solo, but I don't see why this couldn't do just as well in Multiplayer. I have only tested this on the recommended decks for Rhino I/II, Klaw I/II and Ultron I/II (it has the most trouble with Klaw, it defeats Ultron easily) but the next step is to step up to II/III and test with Expert and the other two modular encounter sets from the core set.

Let me know what you think, and what works/doesn't work for you!