She-Hulk Never Stop Never Being Ready

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

smess · 41

This deck started with a theme of never being exhausted and included cards like Tenacity to feed into that, but it didn't work well in solo. With that in mind, it has started to lean back towards a more standard She Hulk-Protection deck, but with some of the "Never Stop Never Being Ready" flavour still there. This deck doesn't rely on defending every turn, but because She Hulk likes to play at low health, it provides enough readying options to ensure that a flexible defense strategy can be used and Superhuman Strength and One-Two Punch are never wasted.

The "Never Stop Never Being Ready" suite includes:

Earth's Mightiest Heroes: This card is generally great in She Hulk because her signature ally Hellcat is an Avenger, and can be perpetually-available due to her ally ability. EMH suffers a bit in Protection due to the lack of Avenger allies, but Hellcat makes it work for She Hulk. EMH also fits well into protection because it enables a more flexible defense strategy, which this deck relies on.

Brother Voodoo: The one Protection Avenger ally, Brother Voodoo has great synergy with EMH, as he searches for an event when he comes into play. You can therefore play Brother Voodoo, search for EMH, and then ready She Hulk with that EMH. You can then save Voodoo for that time when you desperately need an extra 2 thwart or to knock a tough off an annoying guard minion. He's also a resource to fuel Superhuman Law Division.

The Night Nurse: This card is primarily here as stun mitigation, so that you never have to exhaust to get rid of your stun.

Indomitable: A standard include in any Protection deck that wants to defend, this is less essential for the deck than it used to be (as EMH fills that role nicely), but is a great play with a couple of extra cards in-hand.

Momentum Shift: This is a stealth "Never Stop Never Being Ready" card, because it allows the flexible defense strategy to really shine. With Momentum Shift, She Hulk can very finely control her health pool in either direction, which means she can avoid exhausting to defend to stay alive but still be ready for a big Gamma Slam turn.

War Machine: War Machine is another EMH battery and SHLD fuel, though he's on the more "optional" side for this deck.

Counter-Punch: Counter-Punch is one of the few attack events that allows She Hulk to still take full advantage of Superhuman Strength, since she will get the +2 ATK and the stun for the attack. That's why it's one of the only attack events in this deck.

Some other cards are not super essential

  • Avengers Tower helps get Hellcat down more consistently but is a lower-priority play
  • Energy Barrier is just good in any deck but doesn't feed into the theme of this in any particular way
  • Unflappable is good SHLD fuel but isn't as easy to trigger in this deck as in other defense protection decks) but help smooth some turns out
  • Quincarrier is a very good card for She Hulk that feeds SHLD no matter how you use it, but it could be subbed out for Avengers Mansion in a multiplayer game if someone else is using it

Armored Vest could be subbed in for any of these cards for heavy-attack encounters.


Nov 21, 2020 smess · 41

The write-up above mentions Unflappable, I actually ended up removing that and adding an extra Energy Barrier and it really started to unlock the deck, so I'm liking the current build much more!