Captain Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mkwht603 · 1

I used this deck to defeat expert Ultron in solo play. For this matchup, Squirrel Girl and Hawkeye are such haymakers that I upped the number of copies of Make the Call and Rapid Response to 3 a piece for maximum recursion of them. I added in U.S. Agent for this matchup but I never played him and in theory, I don't know how good he would be. To get retaliate value against drones, he has to constantly be blocking them, which is fine, except that I have no cards to ready an ally. Also, Captain Marvel doesn't mind taking a point of damage as it allows her to use her Rechannel ability to cycle through the pretty useless Cosmic Flights and Crisis Interdictions.

I cut Vision, as this deck doesn't have the highest level of energy resources. If you want to play him, I'd recommend adding 1 or 2 Enhanced Reflexes.

Team Training is also an absurdly powerful card. I definitely want to add a second and might even consider a third in multiplayer games.

Future changes that I would try out: -1 Black Knight -1 U.S. Agent -1 Nick Fury -1 Helicarrier

+1 Vision +1 Iron Man (for the resource, if you feel you don't need it, add back in your choice of ally that I cut) +1 Enhanced Reflexes +1 Team Training