She-Hulk's Green Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mmmkirkwood · 1


A while back, I saw someone summarize the Justice aspect as focused on getting ongoing supports established rather than exclusively focusing on threat. Many of the supports are built around threat control, but as the card pool has grown, the uses have broadened out to provide other benefits (e.g. Minion Control, Card Draw).

This deck leverages the various upgrades and supports in Justice paired with the inherent damage dealt by She-Hulk's hero kit in order to respond to whatever the villain may throw at you.


  1. Split Personality
  2. Double Resource Cards
  3. Counterintelligence
  4. Beat Cop


  • Particularly as her hero hand size is only four, some time should be spent setting up upgrades and supports. With Jennifer Walters Alter-Ego ability, Foiled, and Counterintelligence, you should be able to prevent threat from being built up too significantly.

  • Important cards to focus on getting out are the copies of Beat Cop. Depending on player count, once you have a few copies of Beat Cop out, threat is essentially a non-issue.

  • She Hulk loves to flip back and forth between Alter-Ego and Hero, and her hero ability can deal fairly easily with small minions. Interrogation Room allows for some additional passive threat removal.

  • Skilled Investigator is the cheapest way to get access to additional card draw if there are consistent Side Schemes coming out.

  • Getting out both copies of Focused Rage serves two purposes; effectively giving her an optional hero hand size of 6, while constantly adding small amounts of damage to charge up a Gamma Slam.


  • Agent Coulson is useful for pulling Counterintelligence back into hand, and can also do a hefty amount of thwarting.

  • Daredevil's THW response does double duty with threat removal while pinging off Tough status cards.

  • Both can also serve as chump blockers if you are low on health before dropping a Gamma Slam.


  • After getting the supports setup, attention can turn to burning through the deck to get after her signature kit cards Superhuman Strength, One-Two Punch, and Gamma Slam, making quick work of whatever health the villain has remaining.
  • Make sure to feed the Beat Cops before dealing with threat through other means. Threat here means future damage against a minion!
  • Stealth Strike helps focus She Hulk's signature kit against the villain take out by taking out minions while also dealing with excess threat.
  • If side schemes come out, the Beat Cops can combo with For Justice! to quickly clear them, also allowing you to draw a card off Skilled Investigator.

Potential Edits