Monica Chang: Employee of the Month

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dr00 · 47076

monica chang

That's Ms Employee of the Month to you

Morning Roundup

The first thing you must do is realised your entire starting hand is going in the bin. Use your Alter-Ego ability to grab The Iliad, but perhaps The Pericles if the fancy strikes you (confusing the villain makes it a lot easier to keep going back and ordering more ships). The Bellerophon is also a decent option depending on the encounter. Or maybe you have a stellar hand and just want to get out something smaller. That won't happen. Iliad and Pericles are amazing, and you should get them out as soon as possible.

Anywho, what you want to do then is dig for Chance Encounter and/or Monica Chang and start playing Surveillance Teams for free with lots of extra counters. Every time she comes into play, you get another Surveillance Team +1 counter on all of them. We want lots of counters on our S.H.I.E.L.D. supports, and to help out with that, Command Team comes with a few counters on them as well at a decent cost-to-counter ratio, and Field Agent comes with the best cost-to-counter ratio of them all. Either way you get there, once you have some teams with extra counters, you can start siphoning those counters onto your bigger ships with Maria's Reassignment ability. Again, Iliad and Pericles are your best options here (seriously, they're just really really good).

There's plenty of methods for getting a chance encounter with Monica. One Way or Another lets you fish something out of the encounter deck and also draw deeper into your deck, or you could try a more direct approach with a player side scheme. Build Support is included for the just so many supports you could choose: Helicarrier, Sky-Destroyer, Support Staff, even more Surveillance Teams. Generation X can let you pull some really powerful cards; have you look at these? All-Points Bulletin has the chance to just close out a game, and remember that they aren't attacks or thwarts so get past guard, patrol, stun, confuse, basically anything but crisis. On the Double gives you more value very quickly, or Reinforcements gives you more value over time. Or you can make The Hard Call and crash a giant ship into someone's face. Plenty of great options there. And finally, Superpower Training gets S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, the most broken card in the deck. If you have already, get a Life Model Decoy, cos you never know when you might need another Timmy!

Field Manual Misc.

  • Special Funding, Reinforcements, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Director work on any S.H.I.E.L.D. support, not just ones with uses/counters. Don't forget that you can place counters on Helicarrier or Sky-Destroyer if there's no other option and simply reassign them somewhere else later.

  • You must choose 3 non-Jusice S.H.I.E.L.D. supports for this deck and include all legal copies (1 if it's unique or one-per-deck, 3 otherwise), or simply have none. I'd like to go down to 2 copies of Command Team if I could. The 41 card meta is still strong though.

  • Agent 13 just does so much. Two The Iliad uses? Two Helicarriers, Sky-Destroyers, or Support Staff? Great. Thwarting for 2 over and over again with a Command Team in play so you can clear a side scheme and get another Chance Encounter with Monica Chang? Priceless.

  • Nick Fury lets you add a counter to your ships whenever he uses a basic power. If you use Command Team to ready him, he can help super-charge your counter reassignment. If you use Field Agent, you can get a longer, more repeatable use of this ability. If you use both, well that's just the best of both worlds, isn't it?

  • The Iliad is the best ship overall. Lots of counters, lots of flexibility, looks really cool. The Bellerophon is also great for dealing with a swarm of enemies and/or tough tokens. The Pericles is great for confusing the villain, giving your allies a tough, or a high SCH minion a confuse as well. And what do you with that confuse? Flip down to Alter-Ego and go shopping for a new ship.


Feb 24, 2025 VJakson · 340

Deck is all cash money. Fully paid. Keep the Chang.

Feb 24, 2025 SortofBoard · 90

I love a good Monica Chang deck and her paired with Maria is a match made in heaven. Can’t wait to give this one a run. I might include a couple copies of Homeland Intervention, just to give me more threat removal between my drawing APB, but that might be overkill since getting all those supports out is going to thin the deck enough so you should be drawing into it pretty often.

Feb 24, 2025 dr00 · 47076

@VJakson Chang is all you need...

@SortofBoard yeah i had it originally but honestly it wasn't necessary. the Surveillance Teams help a lot too, and the Command Team/Field Agent combos really well with Agent 13 and Nick Fury to thwart multiple times as you siphon off counters. i think Global Logistics might be better value so you can stack your deck, the encounter, etc., but i hope it works well for you! it's a really strong card and it felt super weird cutting it lmao

Feb 24, 2025 HeroicSkeleton · 1401

Homeland Intervention fits well into my version, since I didn't have the Command Team/ Fiend Agent combo you were rockin. I got Douglass for the board wide thwarting and HI for burst clearing

Feb 25, 2025 dr00 · 47076

@HeroicSkeleton yeah, i tested it out too and really liked it and mostly cut it due to making room.

Feb 26, 2025 Ejoeyjoey · 1

Hi, very nice deck. I was just wondering how you come by this () and if that's a special ruling I'm missing somewhere. Thank you. You must choose 3 non-Jusice S.H.I.E.L.D. supports for this deck and include all legal copies (1 if it's unique or one-per-deck, 3 otherwise), or simply have none. I'd like to go down to 2 copies of Command Team if I could. The 41 card meta is still strong though.

Feb 26, 2025 dr00 · 47076

hi @Ejoeyjoey. it's based on the text of the card which says you may include the maximum number of copies of three shield supports that don't match your aspect. no where does it say up to, so it's all or nothing

Feb 26, 2025 Ejoeyjoey · 1

Oh, I misread the card then. Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you.

Feb 26, 2025 dr00 · 47076

@Ejoeyjoey no worries at all!

Mar 02, 2025 Man-is-Obsolete · 6479

She’s the best! The BEEEEEST!