
Persona. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Cost: 1.

Uses (3 staff counters).

Resource: Exhaust Support Staff and remove 1 staff counter from it → generate a resource for a player whose identity has the S.H.I.E.L.D. trait.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #8. Maria Hill #12.
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There are two big things here that makes it a bit more impressive then a Web-Shooter

First is the fact there are a lot of things in here deck that but more counters on it, move counters to and from it, and even use it as a grenade if you need clear a bunch of toughs or weak minions utilizing the rest of her deck.

Second is the fact it can be used on other players with the SHIELD trait. This is a bit more common then you may realize. War Machine, Captain America, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye......the list goes a ways of characters who have the SHIELD trait on their Alter-Ego side. Both players should be paying attention for this on how to optimize your turn as a team. Multiplayer quickly turns into a more difficult format when you have a team of solo acts not trying to optimize as a group. James Rhodes spending a couple of turns building up his board and shuffling all his best cards back into his deck may be the best play, and so Maria Hill players should be keeping this in mind.

Earth Dragon · 1588