Card draw simulator
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Castlefrank47 · 2224
The name of the deck is a little misleading, while we will be pulling an all out blitz we will first be building out to get that ready to go.
Once we get to that stage, we can pull off 60 damage in solo through a combination of some fantastic blue events and X-23 shenanigans.
The Build:
Adamantium Lacing which gives her attacks piercing as well as +2 health and retaliate. The piercing is key to make sure our late game combos aren't interrupted.
Pain Tolerance which lets her heal each time an x-23 card is played.
Specialized Training we want cleared to grab Combat Specialist which gives her +1 Attack and a card draw when she makes a basic attack exhausting the card.
Honey Badger who is one of the keys to the deck with Sidekick on her which gives +2 health and allows us to play Side-by-Side.
Grim Resolve which allows us to take 1 damage generating a resource.
Sisterhood is great early to search for Honey Badger and start our build. This is also great of she's defeated by any encounter cards or if the obligation shows up.
Clarity of Purpose which in a perfect world we would want attached to Honey Badger and another copy on Atlas Bear. It also let's us hit a specific resource for any attachments on villains as well as Go All Out.
Command Team which lets us exhaust to remove a token and ready an ally.
Reinforced Suit on both Atlas Bear and Honey Badger for survivability.
We also have cards like Assess the Situation and Strength In Numbers to generate more card draw early to get built quicker. SiN works really well early on with Honey Badger, BP, Kaluu and Atlas Bear.
Kaluu works really well with it as you can potentially grab an event then use SiN to exhaust him drawing into enough cards to play said event.
White Tiger is another who gives us card draw early as well as solid 2/2 stats.
Kid Omega works great with our Clarity of Purpose and Grim Resolve as we can choose which we want to take advantage of.
The early game is a lot of thwarting and very little Attack so that we can get built out. Animal Instinct is great to help us clear side schemes faster and keep threat down as well as heal us if pain Tolerance is already in play.
Professor X can provide a confuse against non steady/stalwart villains but can also ready Honey Badger for some extra activations.
Rapid Response can bring an ally back, this is really nice if HB or Atlas Bear gets caught by an encounter card or to bring Black Panther back and grab a blue event from discard.
You can also use it to get Kaluu or Kid Omega's when enter play ability.
The Blitz:
Once we have this built out, we would have 2 allies with a resource generator attached as well as one on ourself.
We also have access to a 6th card when we make a basic attack from Combat Specialist also boosting X-23 to 2 base attack.
Atlas Bear has a unique interaction with Clarity as we can exhaust them to see the top card of our deck and if it's an event, we can deal a damage to them to draw it. While exhausted we can still use the clarity attached to them generating a resource.
What we are looking to do is play all 3 of Claw Mastery, Side-by-Side and Go All Out in the same turn. Seems like a difficult combo to pull off but we have a couple ways of getting there.
Aside from Atlas Bear who can draw us into one of those events, we also have Black Panther who can "hold" either side-by-side or go all out until we are ready.
Let's say we had Go All out, sisterly bond and Claw Mastery in hand with a side by side under BP.
The play would look like this, use Claw Mastery to bump x-23 up to 4 and attack. Then use her claws to deal 2 damage bumping her attack to 6 and ready her attacking again. This would leave us with 4 cards in hand after the draw from Combat specialist.
Honey Badger attacks for 1 readying x-23 again for another 6 damage.
Play Side-by-side under BP to ready both and give +1 attack to each. Attack with x-23 for 7 damage, Honey Badger for 9 using Sisterly Bond and then another 7 from x-23. This would leave us with 1 card in hand.
Use Command Team to ready Honey Badger and attack for 2 again readying X-23 where we could use Clarity on HB and the last card in hand to pay for go all out dealing 11 damage. Since we dealt a damage to HB we would also get another ready after resolving go all out allowing us to Attack for another 7 damage.
In total this would be 60 damage from x-23 and honey badger, enough to clear most villains in expert.
Cards Considered:
Suit Up which lets us search for an ally and an upgrade that can attach to it. I like this card but X-23 doesn't spend alot of time in AE and it rarely got played.
Leadership Training is nice to recur Blue events from discard but again, x-23 isn't in AE a whole lot and it wasn't utilized much.
Danger Room Training which can be attached to HB and increases her stats. This could be subbed in for Reinforced Suit but I liked the extra HP especially with using Clarity of Purpose on her.
Game Time which works with Danger room and gives a ready to an ally with a training upgrade attached.
Overall I've really enjoyed this deck and it's been really powerful. I've been able to defeat a number of scenarios on Expert with relative ease and finishing off both stages 2 and 3 in a single turn.
I'd love to hear any feedback or experiences with it!