Laura's Frenzy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

weaves74 · 8

This is a protection deck that isn't about protecting.

You can thwart down any scheme or schemes easily and throw just copious amounts of damage.

Get X-23's health up so you can use your claws on every turn. Symbiote Suit,Front Line Specialist (which you grab from Specialized Training), Endurance and Adamantium Lacing gives her so many hit points she can stand up to almost any hit. Also, use your free defend each turn most Villians will hit for 3+ damage which will hit the retaliate from Adamantium Lacing, the card draw from Front Line Specialist and the ready from her X-23 ability. Also this can let you Counter-Punch for 3 and sometimes 5 if you used a Claw Mastery on the previous hero turn.

There are so many ready's in this deck, even if it takes you a bit to get out Honey Badger. Once Honey Badger is out, you use Protective Training, The Night Nurse, Med Team and Regenerative Longevity to heal up Honey Badger.

More readying come from Utopia and playing your X-men Allies. Leading Blow and What Doesn't Kill Me also let you ready.

Early game you get 3 activations very often and after set up you can easily get 5+ which is so flexible, it is a huge amount of thwarting or damage.

I have occasionally added Game Time into the deck as well to get more Honey Badger activations. This current version doesn't have them, but they have their place.

This deck can sometimes get too greedy and huge hit by Ronan, or Juggernaut can take Laura out, but quite often she can just burn them down with huge turns of burst damage, or just thwart down a set up Red Skull or Klaw.

To me all the ready's feel like X-23 going feral and just being the unstoppable force she is.