Card draw simulator
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Castlefrank47 · 1503
These aren't usually the titles we associate with good old Magneto. However, he's recently had a change of heart and he's doing things a little differently.
The idea for the deck came from Mutant Peacekeepers and how it has been under utilized. Usually you're not wanting to exhaust potentially 2 allies or your hero as well as an ally just to remove threat. Magneto however comes with an in kit ready that does not require constant payment in the form of his cape which allows you to ready after resolving his magnetic pull. This means we can trigger peacekeepers and still get another activation from Magneto that turn!
Another aspect of magneto's kit is wanting to flip down to recur cards from discard.
To further add incentive for flipping to AE, we have Vigilante Training to shuffle back in Justice events. Combined with Asteroid M, one flip down can result in 7 cards being shuffled back into the deck!
3 from his AE ability, 1 each from Asteroid and Vig Training then starting your next turn you could shuffle one each from Asteroid and Vig again. This allows you to continually have access to the main cards in this deck strategy.
To get our deck up and running, the main cards we need are Magneto's Cape and Children of the Atom. CoTa gives our allies(since we are only running xmen and xforce allies) all the x-men and x-force traits which means that with any ally out, we can trigger Mutant Peacekeepers or Gunboat Diplomacy. The cape allows us to ready once per turn after resolving his magnetic pull ability. We have Build Support and Superpower Training to assist in getting these online quicker.
After that, Magneto's Armor gives us +1 to his abilities based on what we discard from magnetic pull.
His helmet gives us steady which is really nice as it does not allow a stun or confuse to block gunboat/peacekeeper. As well as generating a resource for any magnetic card.
Heroic Intuition isn't a necessity but it provides +1 thwart for Mag's and in concert with his Armor he can be 4 thwart in a turn which makes gunboat or peacekeepers even stronger.
Skilled Investigator allows us to draw a card for each side scheme defeated.
Deft Focus makes our next superpower card that we play this phase cost 1 less. Mags has quite a few in his kit specifically Electromagnetic Blast and Metal Shards.
One Way or Another brings out a side scheme from the encounter deck and lets us draw 3 cards. This is really nice as it also gives us more threat to remove with peacekeeper or gunboat.
The X-Jet generates a resource for us and can be another target for build support.
To power our strategy, we need allies out as well. Most of them in this deck are not for chump blocking, remember Magneto has changed. The idea is to maximize the amount of threat we remove/damage we deal from peacekeepers or gunboat. For this we have several allies who fit the bill and can be further bumped up with Mission Training.
-Bishop who would then have 3 thwart as well as 5 health. The fun part with him is also building his energy counters when you get attacked. Exhausting him with either gunboat or peacekeepers doesn't trigger consequential so we can keep him out to build counters and also maximize the use of his thwart through our events. Then use his attack to take out a minion or deal big damage to the villain.
-Deadpool comes with great 2/2 stats but he can't die to consequential, instead an acceleration token gets placed on the main. With mission training, he will be at 5 health and utilizing him with either of our main events will further delay his health going down. I've played an entire game with him out and never had an acceleration token put on due to using the events with him as well as mission training.
-Deathlok is another great target as he has 2/2 stats but once CoTA is out, he gains xmen trait which means that he can pull mission training from discard. This puts him at 3 thwart as well as 5 health.
The rest of the allies are more situational but all provide value and will be addressed later.
How it looks once you're built out:
I was playing Expert Taskmaster the other day testing this out. I flipped down with 2 threat on the main scheme. Had Deadpool out with mission training (CoTA as well) and Mags with heroic intuition as well as his cape. Tasky schemed for 6 putting it up to 9. I used Asteroid M and Vig training to shuffle 1 each of a magnetic card and gunboat into the deck.
Flipped back to hero, thwarted the main with Mags for 3 taking it down to 6. used magnetic pull and readied up. Discarded a mental during the pull which put me up to 4 thwart, played peacekeepers from hand exhausting Mags and Deadpool which cleared the main. Still had 5 cards in hand and was able to play metal shards to deal 7 damage to Tasky as well.
In testing, i have been able to pull off combos like this quite a bit and this was just one example but it shows how what a typical game would look like. With Mags wanting to flip and recur cards, you run the risk of large amounts of threat being placed. Utilizing both peacekeepers and gunboat gives more consistency that you will draw one when flipping back to hero which allows you to clear that threat away.
It gets really fun when you're able to hit a gunboat removing 7 total threat and dealing 7 damage then also being able to hit the villain with a metal shards defeating a stage and getting yourself a tough.
The idea of the deck is to flip regularly ideally once every one or 2 turns so that we can shuffle back in. Mags can also tank a hit or defend once we have the cape out since we have the ready, this is especially viable with Bishop out to build his counters or if he has a tough from defeating an enemy with Metal Shards.
The other allies:
Professor X provides confuse and i like to use him for scenarios that have low threat thresholds such as The Hood, Mister Sinister, etc.
Dazzler provides the same as Prof but also sticks around for a couple turns and can provide solid thwart/ attack.
Hope Summers grabs a superpower card from your deck which again Mags has quite a few. She also provides solid 2/2 stats.
Shadowcat provides solid 2 thwart and the turn you play her, she can bypass annoying icons allowing you a turn to breathe.
White Queen provides solid 2 thwart and her when enter play ability is really useful. If you don't have your helmet, she can get rid of confuse/stun. Or she can get rid of a tough from an enemy, my favorite is playing her after Exodus comes out removing his tough with her and then hitting him with Metal Shards.
Generation X can be 1 shot by any ally in this deck once we have CoTA out and can grab us a situational event.
Need to finish a beefy minion? Grab Shards.
Need to remove a villain attachment? Grab Electromagnetic Blast.
Have a minion Wrapped in Metal? Grab Magnetic Missile.
I have played this deck quite a bit and i've really enjoyed it. This deck also helps address the consistency problems that you can run into with his magnetic pull discarding important cards. We have the ability to flip regularly as well as ways to recur our important events.
I'd love to hear any feedback or experiences with the deck!