Don't attack ≠ Don't have ATTACK

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Drax - Jango 0 0 0 3.0
Don't attack ≠ Don't have ATTACK update 1 1 0 1.0

SqueeHollowVine · 445

Don't attack ≠ Don't have ATTACK


10 ATK Brute Force, since it has no limit on the number of copies in play, allows us to give +3 ATK, with the condition that we do not make a basic attack, since we would lose that extra. Along with Drax's Knife, the 4 atk that drax can reach, Combat Training and "Now I'm Mad", we can have a drax with 10 ATK. Why? Drax has 6 cards that benefit from the ATK attribute, and this deck has many others that take advantage of it.

ATK EVENTS But how are we going to take advantage of all this increased attack without being able to attack? With the events. To attack we have Quick Strike and As One!. The latter, will be combined with our allies, especially well with Hulk. Obviously, Payback also works perfectly.

DEF EVENTS One of the obligations when building a deck for Drax is to always be able to keep it on hero, so that it does not lose the vengance counters. To keep you in hero form, you will need to defend yourself (although Drax's health is high, and we can increase it with Endurance, there will be a point that you will need to defend). For that we have 2x Parry and 3x The Best Defense…: a total of 5 events that will save you in multiple cases from a strong attack.

To control the plan a little and even be able to take a turn as an alter-ego, you have 2x Smash the Problem and 2x Intimidation, being able to remove up to 10 threat.

I love receiving comments about experiences, suggestions and ideas for the deck. If you like the deck, I would really appreciate it if you gave it a like and commented :)

PD: Remeber that you can make the last attack with Drax. In my first game, the villain's last stage had 8 life left and I didn't see that I could simply attack with Drax.


Aug 23, 2024 teamcanadahockey2002 · 9725

I like it! Brute Force Drax!

I really wish that Fluid Motion could somehow work here. Shame its a response not an interrupt.

Aug 23, 2024 SqueeHollowVine · 445

Yeah! The truth is that it hadn't occurred to me but their synergy works perfectly. This way it could reach up to 11 ATK!!

Thanks for the recommendation, rest assured I'll include it in my deck!

Aug 24, 2024 dmct · 1

This is a real clever deck, gotta sleeve this up someday

Aug 24, 2024 boomguy · 2398

Brute Force Drax?!? How have I never seen this before. Instant love!

Aug 24, 2024 doubleonad · 136

What a coincidence. I was just about to make a deck like this for some weekend games. I really like the "brute force and dont basic attack" archetype and recently realized Drax would be a great fit. Looks like you did almost the same thing I would have done. Though I had not considered using As One to get more mileage out of the ATK value. So great job on that one!

I have one suggestion. Since Drax has such a low hand size, Tigra will be hard to play. I think the whole goal with the allies is just to have targets for As One, so I think Wasp is a better pick. She can be as cheap as you want and she has 1 more ATK.

Aug 24, 2024 SqueeHollowVine · 445

@doubleonad, Certainly, Wasp is a very good option. Consider that Tigra was better because Wasp requires paying it with resources, which are the ones we have the least in the deck. Additionally, cards that have resources or are cards that we are not interested in spending (Parry, Drax's Knife, Drax's Other Knife and Payback).

Thanks a lot for all your comments!

Aug 24, 2024 doubleonad · 136

Yeah, i thought about that. Blade would work too.

Aug 24, 2024 SqueeHollowVine · 445

Totally agree! I hadn't thought about him. It's a very good change for the deck. Thank you!

Aug 25, 2024 teamcanadahockey2002 · 9725

Changing out Blade for Tigra was going to be one of my suggestions.

If youre open to another, I wonder if dropping the doubles would be crazy. However, if your get Martial Prowess down, you have very few cards that can even use a double. Really just the allies.

When I originally put together Brute Force Arrows I found I wanted more allies to block but Hawkeye is particularly squishy compared to Drax. You do only have 3 Avengers in the deck which limits As One a bit. I wonder if its worth removing some (all) of your doubles for more Avenger allies?

Aug 25, 2024 doubleonad · 136

@teamcanadahockey2002 That was my next thought too. I'd probably sub in Unshakable. Then maybe First Aid for Mantis?

Aug 25, 2024 dr00 · 46333

amazing deck, and i really love your edit of adding in Fluid Motion. seems to get a lot of work done here

it's so crazy to make a deck where probably one of the best cards in the game, Dwi Theet Mastery, is actively bad. this game actually has some amazing deck construction where you can still make a strong deck without that.

no notes. fantastic deck.

Aug 25, 2024 SqueeHollowVine · 445

@teamcanadahockey2002 I agree, doubles may not be very useful. Above all, I take them to quickly develop the table, but I don't think they are necessary the agression ones. I like the idea of unshakable. I could return the smash the problem and exchange the doubles of aggression for 1x fluid motion and 1x unshakable.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Aug 25, 2024 journeyman2 · 26937

It seems to me that Fluid Motion doesn't work for Quick Strike/As One (trigger is too late), and that the boost ends at the end of the phase, so likely isn't working for Parry/Payback/The Best Defense either (even if you did something like Toe to Toe in the player phase, the +ATK comes too late to help those).

There are also 9 events that all require being ready (As One, Smash, The Best Defense, and Knife Leap, though the latter is counter to the deck). I'd recommend Limitless Stamina, so that at least if you play The Best Defense (you aren't going to play TBD off Parry, so I'm assuming you exhaust), it doesn't lock you out of As One/Smash in the player phase completely. CITT is also an option, and would help with a resource sink for the doubles.

My recommendation from some past twiddling on this idea (though w/o As One), is to play Aggressive with Brute Force and don't become married to the idea of keeping them out continuously. Dwi Theet+Knife Leap are really good cards that will outpace As One/Quick Strike, so finding some middle ground will pan out well. You can do a similar idea with Adrenaline Rush+Toe to Toe, but lose out on the extra ATK in the villain phase. Adrenaline Rush could even be a Fluid Motion replacement, as it works with As One/Quick Strike

Specialized Training can be cleared by Intimidation fairly easily, and can either give a permanent +1 ATK (and a card draw potentially), or +4 hp and card draw.

Good luck with the deck!

Aug 25, 2024 SqueeHollowVine · 445

Wow. Many interesting ideas. Certainly cards like Limitless Stamina and C.I.T.T are very interesting. In my opinion, since it is the number of times you want to be ready, C.I.T.T. is better, since Limitless STamina is very circumstantial and will not always touch you when you need it. I also like Specialized Training, very synergistic. The truth is I wouldn't know what to remove from the deck, but they are very good additions. Thanks!

Aug 26, 2024 eliala · 225

With all that ATK, I'm surprised to not see Keep Them Busy or The Direct Approach.

Aug 26, 2024 eliala · 225

I also recommend Moment of Triumph

Sep 04, 2024 mv2392 · 110

Fantastic. Many years ago I played Brute Force Arrows, but this looks so much better! Haven't busted out Drax or Brute Force in a while so this just made my short list.

Sep 06, 2024 SqueeHollowVine · 445

I have not put cards like The Direct Approach or Keep Them Busy because we do not want to attack with drax in many situations and the assault ability only works with basic attacks. Thanks for your comments!

Sep 28, 2024 JohnnyBravo530 · 51

What about putting Wasp in this? 3 ATK 0 Cost Avenger. I love Drax and I love this deck.