I mixed feelings about this card. Normally, I'd want to put this into hero's decks that have crummy thwart like Hulk, Thor, and Drax... however, they have crummy hand sizes in hero form. This makes this card even more expensive to play just so they can use their ATK to thwart side schemes. I'd feel better if it cost 0 instead.
Attach to a non-permanent side scheme. Limit 1 per side scheme.
Attached scheme gains assault. (Basic thwarts against this scheme use ATK instead of THW.)

This card is excellent if you are in aggression and have a lot of pesky side schemes to clear, but there are a few cards in particular you are going to be looking at running in tandem. Essentially you want to go for a Skilled Strike/Mean Swing/Hand Cannon/Combat Training build scheme. The strategy speaks for itself. You can potentially thwart with someone like Hulk for up to 5-6 damage and if you’re running BOTH Skilled Strike and Meanswing it could be as high as 8 thwart.
Additionally there is synergy here with the Aggression ally “Wasp”(Janet) because her card requires you to pay her cost with energy resources. Thus any deck that includes this card may want to consider her as well, in order to get some extra mileage alongside cards like Earth’s Mightiest Heroes(“exhaust an avenger to ready an avenger), which consequently ALSO has an energy resource icon.
Sadly this isn’t the best card for Hulk as his need to discard his entire hand at the end of the round while in alter ego mode will ensure that you’ll never be able to hold on to this card for a future turn so you’re essentially stuck hoping it is relevant when you draw into it.