Bishop Brings Backup

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WackyW00kie · 32

Lucas Bishop is a powerhouse! I never thought I would enjoy him this much. His kit is surprisingly flexible and gives plenty of resource sinks for turns where you are "flooded". But, we want to be effective with every aspect of this kit, so below I break down some ways I try to make use of everything he brings to the table.

I started with these allies because they all synergize in some way with what is happening during play. White Fox does tons of work coming in off of the Energy Absorption ability. Digging Deep does double work protecting us from discard effects outside of Energy Absorption. This is helpful against Sinister Six, Frost Giants, and any other encounter sets that mill the player.

Pixie, Professor X and Beast work well together with Pixie allowing you to recur either of the other two. Professor is straight value and Beast is a beefy body that refunds his cost. Also, don't sleep on Triage. She can be recovered from the discard pile to heal 2 from Bishop or any of the above X-Men to keep them in the fight.

Nick Fury is often 2 cards and Nick to net 3-5 resources on average and either 2 thwart or 2 attack with a chump block on the back end.

Machine Man is an easy resource dump to go alongside Malcolm and Randall. All of them effectively use excess resources if you do not have a Super-Charged to dump them into.

Effective Leadership and Innovation are split for flexibility, but you could easily go one over the other depending on play style.

You want to prioritize an early setup with Bishop's Rifle and Bishop's Uniform for sustained damage and healing. I have also included Endurance as a way to buffer our health pool. Symbiote Suit can be a stronger option if you can handle the risk-reward balance.

I also like taking the Front Line Specialist for the additional health boost and draw. However, the specialization is flexible depending on the situation.

Sunspot can be swapped out for Squirrel Girl for more consistent damage, but he has the higher ceiling at 3 damage per minion and the villain. We only have 2 resources that cannot have Sunspot hit for any damage and that is Strength and Genius, however, there is always room to get in a with the third resource spent to play him.

If playing multi-player, it can be worth while to side out Endurance or an ally (this is highly situational) for Mission Leader.

Other amazing allies with Bishop include Lockjaw as he can be recurred without the help of Make the Call. Domino can be useful when paired with White Fox, Digging Deep, and Cosmo for some fun topdeck shenanigans. Maria Hill is a multi-player staple and the table will love you for playing her. Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Vision can all be great resource dumps.

Your role in a multi-player table is to bring exceptional value to the table. You have recursion, sustained damage, built in healing and some of the best player side schemes in the game. This deck is surprisingly aggressive for Leadership if you press your advantage and land your upgrades early.


Apr 10, 2024 WackyW00kie · 32

I have received a lot of questions on other media regarding why I run Digging Deep. This deck was originally tested against Sinister Six. Electro was a problem in this matchup causing extra discards that did not trigger Energy Absorption. To counter this, I either needed to defend the attack with a minion and give up the Energy Absorption trigger, or I needed to plan for it. My response was Digging Deep as a middle ground to keep me moving without giving up my triggers. This also helps against the Four Horsemen, specifically Famine. Additionally, I have shifted to 2 Innovation and 0 Effective Leadership. The small surges from EL are not as important to me or as efficient as Innovation. With Malcolm or Randall on board, even without the required printed resources, I can still get the heal and the untap. So it makes them more flexible. It also allows me to untap for 1 effective resource instead of using a Stored Energy, Strength, or Energy making the entire sequence more efficient.

Apr 10, 2024 WackyW00kie · 32

I messed up with my last comment. I posted this before trying to update the deck to include the extra Innovation. I realized when I went to make the change that it is max one per deck. So the resources remain as they are.