How to Heroic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jayxwalker · 7

**You can change out the allies to whatever boss you are fighting and swap a Rapid Response for Regroup or consider Band Together though the space is pretty tight I wanted to add a Team Training but again space issues.

Now a Card breakdown:


Goliath: Good thwart that can turn into 5 atk and can be a good Rapid Response target

Ironheart: Nice draw good Regroup target we need efficient sacs on Heroic and she is just that

Kaluu: Is to search for Earth's Mightiest Heroes Master of the Mystic Arts or Strength In Numbers and to sac again

Maria Hill: Is like Iron heart but better

Nick Fury: Is just another sac with a card draw that is a good target for Rapid Response and Regroup

Squirrel Girl: Can ping away toughness and does 2 dmg + 1 to everything else + a sac Nice :0

Stinger: Is A: a sack and B: a Strength In Numbers Target

White Tiger: If your playing in expert+ then this is a decent value card that is 2 dmg + sac for 1

Wong: cycles your invocation deck cool card :)

Now to events, the most prominent of them being Strength In Numbers turning allies like Stinger into an economy card this can turn into 5 cards at the cost of your friends being all taped Master of the Mystic Arts can be combos with every card in the invocation deck being a way to op with Winds of Watoomb or Seven Rings of Raggadorr, Earth's Mightiest Heroes is the 1 extra slot that is used to abuse how fundamentally broken strange is. Spiritual Meditation makes things worse being able to cycle through a deck even faster this deck has one mode forward and the faster you go the better.

Resources: nothing here. Well you could add Band Together for the Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Support: Regroup is recursion yay and you can help your team too! Sanctum Sanctorum is kinda of bad but also kinda good because with strange you want to always be in the hero and this against that makes it bad but is a good card in another deck:"( The Triskelion Is necessary for Strength In Numbers decks and is a good cheap card you always want to have out.

Upgrades: The Sorcerer Supreme, andThe Eye of Agamotto are economy cards to get out other stuff while Magical Enhancements are kinda garbage. Cloak of Levitation is the free ready which is always welcome especially when your invocation deck is So Damm Good. Rapid Response lets you get out all your allies again. Extra consistency is always great.

(I didn't use Next Evo or wave 8 so edit this deck as needed)

So? Strange is op go beat Ronan the Accuser he's so easy bye.**