Spider-Man - The stupid justice deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10660

This deck basically came together as a joke. I wanted a fun justice deck to solo spidey. So, stupid idea for a justice Spidey deck: just throw in a lot of mental resources so you can draw them when you play Black Cat. Really stupid, as this should happen only once.

So I just put in every mental resource card from justice, without looking at the names of the cards, and got surprised - didn't look half bad. I cut a few, added basic resources, plus Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, a few justice cards that I don't think I could pass up (For Justice! which benefits from the number of mental resources in here, Counterintelligence, Skilled Investigator ).

Finally, I threw in a few basic allies that fit the "theme": Heimdall, Nick Fury, War Machine.

Surprisingly, it makes a nice deck that allows Spidey to be played solo, even considering his low THW value. I was surprised how well it performed, I basically destroyed Expert Rhino - he got to attack only once.

In between Spidey's 1 THW and Clear the Area, you can pretty much clear any side scheme and draw a card. Skilled Investigator was awesome, and Stealth Strike works wonder against minions. It also complements your main attraction, Swinging Web Kick. Because these two cards are your main damage output, don't be afraid to defend, if you need it (Rhino was incapable to attack thx to Webbed Up, Backflip, and chomp-blocking with allies).

All in all, surprisingly fun!