Build Support On Fertile Ground

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schnautza · 46

This is my first attempt at this deck - if you see room for improvements, please drop a comment. I did not see any Groot Leadership decks taking advantage of Player Side Schemes, so I built this deck to share.

One of Groot's biggest weaknesses is when Fertile Ground is at the bottom of the deck. I attempt to mitigate this by adding Build Support to double our chances of finding Fertile Ground earlier. This increases our chances of getting our economy moving much quicker. In the event you do find Fertile Ground early, you can still use Build Support to pull out Helicarrier or Team Training

I'm choosing to surround Groot with a swarm of allies to help shore up his low base stats and to help preserve his growth counters until he really needs to use them. They'll do a lot of legwork with thwarting and chump blocking so we get more value out of his big hero events like "I. AM. GROOT!", "I am Groot" and "We Are Groot". Once his economy is fully set up with Fertile Ground, Helicarrier, and Deft Focus, you'll be have plenty of options for dropping more allies out every turn, discounting them with "Welcome Aboard", which combos nicely with Make the Call.

Allies included all have a niche purpose. Of course, Nick Fury, White Tiger, and Maria Hill for card draw. Black Knight gives us access to piercing, Major Victory allows us to defend and still ready ourselves next round, Hope Summers allows us to find any Groot event or upgrade, since they are all superpowers. If you are out of cards in your hand, even Fruition is a great target. And of course, Beast is in there since we have the economy to pay for him and then just pullpre resources out.

You'll be able to easily get a big ally out for free with Call for Backup. Rapid Response can keep your board full of allies as well, especially later in the game when your hand has more resources.

UPDATE: Lockjaw should also be a great addition to this deck, as you may find yourself flush with resources and no allies and you can play him from the discard pile.