Speedruning all of Cable's Missions

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 258

"Ughh...Cable wants us to do MORE Superpower Training. I'm not wasting another weekend on superhero stuff! He has all these different missions, and he wants us to do them one at a time...it takes forever! Take Out the Guards, Establish Perimeter, blah blah blah. It's the same every time. I bet with my powers, I can get a few of these done at once to save time. And stop any bad guys on the way! Once we are done, everyone just chill!"


This deck is an absolute monster at thwarting side schemes. 3 to 4 players with a lot of player side schemes (PSS) and enemy side schemes is where it shines. It's best paired with Cable, but not necessary.

The main Combo:

-Play Even the Odds with Shrink, Operative Skill and Passion for Justice to clear 7-8 threat from EVERY side scheme in a single thwart. Play Overwatch first to also clear that much from the main.

Main Scheme:

That combo with Even the Odds is incredible. But it only works on side schemes. How do we deal with the main? We have a few ways. First we have Jessica Jones. Between the PSS, regular side schemes, and the ones we draw out with One Way or Another, she will often have a 4-6 thwarting stat. She should typically only be used to thwart the main scheme, and only when there's enough side schemes for it to be worth it. Next, we have Multitasking. This benefits from thwart buffing in the same way as Even the Odds. So combined with Shrink, it can thwart 4 off the main and 4 off a side scheme. Finally, we have Overwatch. You place this on any side scheme with a lot of threat on it, then hit it with Even the Odds or Multitasking, to remove the same amount from the main

Everything Else:

Like most Ms Marvel decks, your identity supports are all useful. But your most crucial card is Shrink. Superpower Training is here to make sure you will be able to get this out, but preferably your Cable player will put this side scheme into play during set up. Almost as important as Shrink is your Biokinetic Polymer Suit. This will allow you to always be able to pay the requirement on Even the Odds and the kicker on Multitasking.

With 3 champion allies, plus Ms. Marvel herself, "Go For Champions!" can allow us to block for the entire team for one turn. Speaking of Champions, Vivian is very important here. Many side schemes have when defeated effects, and she can blank those abilities right before you clear them. You can also coordinate with your team to do this to a minion if necessary. Wasp is less important, but her ability to get around patrol and crisis can be useful in a pinch.

Hand out Skilled Investigators to everyone and they will absolutely love you. Chance Encounter is great to get Vivian or Jess back.


I like to mulligan fairly hard for either Shrink or her suit. Whichever one you get, the other can be grabbed with Superpower Training. Skilled Investigator, Operative Skill, or any of your supports are also good to get early.


Superpower Training is here because it's the PSS that she wants the most. This can be removed/replaced if someone else is running it. You also just want to make sure that your team is bringing a lot of PSS, even if that means you take another 1 or 2.

I went a little above 40 cards, for flexibility, and also I don't think that it really matters. This deck has a lot of card draw. If you are adamant on cutting, Wasp can go if your team is defending for you, Professor X can potentially be cut too. You don't always need him, especially if you don't need the confuse. He can also be swapped for Nick Fury. You can drop "Go For Champions!" if someone at the table has defense taken care of. I wouldn't cut anything else other then dropping a Skilled Investigator with 2 players.