Black Widow - Protection - Multiplayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bowser · 37

This is a work in progress. The goal of the deck is to be the defensive 3rd wheel in a multiplayer game. The deck wants to tank several attacks each round so your friends can do their thing unimpeded.

The goal is to get setup as fast as possible with:

Even if you are missing a few of these pieces you should be able to start tanking multiple attacks in the second round with Desperate Defense and Indomitable. And once you are setup you can really start pitching with the utility of your preparation cards. This build really wants to stay in hero mode as much as possible. I originally had a Down Time in the deck to compensate for her small recovery value, but cut it for a First Aid.

You might notice is that it doesn't have The Power of Protection. The cost curve is so low, and the number of targets for that card are too few that I cut The Power of Protection. The low cost curve also means a lack of allies. There are some good protection allies, but they just aren't the focus of this deck. I am however contemplating switching out Nick Fury for Mockingbird. Like I said, this is a work in progress, so more to come.


Aug 21, 2020 JQTNguyen · 14

Cross-posting from but the reason that I went with Momentum Shift over First Aid was my Allies were Clea, Iron Fist, and Nick Fury, all of whom I want to let die and recur, but I still wanted some healing for myself, and Momentum Shift would also cut down an Ultron Drone in the process.