DUST “Voltron” with Adam Warlock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Adam Warlock, “Wiggle’s It, Just a Little Bit.” 1 1 0 1.0

DubLDee · 26

started editing to change things but deck wasn’t effective in 1-2 player outside of something basic like Rhino. Removed Helicarrier for The Sorcerer Supreme Comms Implant for Teamwork X-Mansion for Deft Focus

Clarity of Purpose needed Shake it Off best to change out.

What I overhauled to became a non-Voltron build. https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/27465/adam-warlock-wiggle-s-it-just-a-little-bit-1.0


Full build: 3 THW, 9 ATT, 10 HP with Overkill and 3 consequential damage.

First Aid, Med Team, X-Mansion, and Battle mage Shield Spell to heal Dust for 10. (Or Wraith.)

The more minions on the board, the more damage you do to the villain.


Apr 03, 2023 guyito_ · 1

I like this idea! Probably not as affective but Thor could be another version but much more expensive.

I wonder if you could make a control deck with AW where Wraith and other allys just help you control the board. Iron Fist and Psylocke stun and confuse. Not entirely sure of the idea seems cool.

Apr 03, 2023 DubLDee · 26

@guyito_ there’s definitely opportunities to expand board control with more Allie’s. Think I’ve seen some AW build with heaps of them in the deck.

I completely forgot about The Sorcerer Supreme until hours after I submitted this build. Which will reduce AE time.

Apr 04, 2023 journeyman2 · 24201

Shake it Off only provides a tough if the character was damaged by an attack, and most attacks would kill Dust, even if she survives she’d be exhausted and her next attack would likely kill.

You probably do want to drop some basics and add another set of aspect cards, Protection cards are the best Battle Mage targets to help heal your Voltron!

Apr 04, 2023 DubLDee · 26

@journeyman2 yeah. I finally got time to play it tonight, and it needs big adjustments. Paying for expensive cards was nearly impossible. Threat got out of hand for me pretty easily. And damage output was flat. As for Shake it Off thanks for the heads up, I was imagining consequential damage from an attack would count.

Apr 04, 2023 DubLDee · 26

Keeping a “Minion” dinging Theme I redone a deck that isn’t Voltron but still runs Dust. Hopefully tomorrow I get to try it. Haven’t checked to see any other similar builds, I’m sure in aggression only such exists. marvelcdb.com