Captain Aggression - Dominate Expert Villains

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

omegalife2002 · 26

So, this is the first deck I have built myself, though I have been playing the game since it was released. I decided I wanted to go back to the core set and build a deck around a hero that I really enjoyed when I first played the game: Captain Marvel!

Now, I could have built the usual Justice or Leadership deck with her and she would have been great, but I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could make a solo Aggression deck really sing with her, and I think this deck handles itself really well. Solo Aggression decks have been a real struggle for me to play solo, so I am very happy this one worked out.


I have beat all the core set villains on Expert at this point. I plan on playing the remaining villains on Expert, but I feel confident enough about the decks performance to share it now.

Deck Principles

I don't plan on going card by card here, but here were my basic thoughts going into the build:

  • Maximize the number of icons in the deck in order to use her Rechannel ability basically every turn. Also this ensures that cards like Valkyrie, Photonic Blast, & Energy Channel can go off as often as possible.
  • Increase her survive-ability by including Endurance. Between that and her innate recovery and Rechannel, you should have you no issues staying alive.
  • You have a ton of resources, which will help pay for some of the more expensive allies and events. When dealing with Ultron, allies were particularly important when you finally take out level 2 Ultron and move to level 3. You have to plan around the turning point and make sure you have extra attacks ready to go.
  • Card draw. With her built in abilities and cards like Nick Fury, Avengers Mansion, Photonic Blast, and Alpha Flight Station you will often have turns with 7-10 cards in hand. Perform your actions in the correct order (draw effects first, always!) and you will have a plethora of options available each turn

Final Thoughts

The only other thing I will mention in case people have gotten used to heroes like Hulk, Captain Marvel wants to flip to her alter-ego side often. You want that extra card draw and to trigger the beefed up version of Alpha Flight Station as often as possible. Also, with 4 recovery, it doesn't feel bad to flip and heal.

Anyway, hope you try out the deck and enjoy it!


Aug 17, 2020 celric · 441

Nice deck and explanations. As far as strategy goes, are you planning to go arial, wear your helmet, and block a lot to let your allies shine, or do you throw the allies in front, or do you absorb a lot of body blows to use "You'll Pay for That!"?

If option 3 a Counterattack or 2 might make sense over Battle Fury.

Aug 18, 2020 flakbait42 · 21

Successfully took this against standard Green Goblin (Mutagen) last night and had a good time with it. I did take out Lockjaw and put in a Tac Team (against a minion-heavy scenario), though I never did get a chance to play it. Good deck.