Ms. Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bowser · 37

This is my #1 favorite deck to play. With the justice aspect it can obviously handle the threat. But when the threat is under control it can really dish out some damage too.

Some thoughts on inclusions:

  • Followed is easy for this deck to trigger and 4 damage for 1 resource is solid. That said this could be a flex spot if you were looking to include something else.
  • Under Surveillance is really helpful at higher difficulties. I'd always play 1 of it, but moving to the heroic difficulty, I really want to see one early so I've included 2 copies.
  • 6 Allies seems like a lot, but Ms. Marvel can't take too many hits and is especially vulnerable if you get attacked multiple times in a round. If I had to cut one it would be Daredevil unless I'm going against Ultron.
  • Beat Cop is the newest addition to the deck that I am still testing. I think 1 or 2 is a worthwhile inclusion. But more testing is needed.
  • Concussive Blow is great as you are going to be flipping to alter-ego a lot. Once you get the Biokinetic Polymer Suit down the isn't an issue. I used to play 3 copies, but found that to be too many.
  • Haymaker is there to act as an extra Big Hands. Sure you can't pull it with her Teen Spirit ability, but sometimes you just need a little extra damage that you can boost with Embiggen! and recur with her ability.
  • Stealth Strike is there for minion control, something that she had trouble with in the past. I don't want too many of these because its usefulness is really dependent on the state of the board.

Some thoughts on exclusions

  • Helicarrier is nice, but Aamir Khan and Nakia Bahadir do the job cheaper and can be fished for Teen Spirit.
  • Counterintelligence / Agent Coulson are both good cards. But I'd rather have the events. You could cut some of the damage cards if you really want to focus on threat mitigation. But I prefer a more balanced approach.
  • Foiled! is a decent value and can be played while in alter-ego. But you can't bring it back with her ability. It is good, I just don't think it fits this deck.

Thoughts on playing the deck

  • You want to mulligan for your setup cards and get them down as soon as possible. Top priorities include: Aamir Khan, Nakia Bahadir, Biokinetic Polymer Suit, Shrink, and Embiggen!.
  • Use her Teen Spirit ability 99% of the time you are in alter-ego. You will cycle through you deck quickly, but don't worry, the extra cards in your hand will make up for it.
  • Flip almost every turn. You want to make the most use of her powerful persona cards. This will result in a rhythm to her play. You will have a powerful turn when you start in alter-ego and finish in hero. And usually a weaker turn when you start in hero and flip down to alter-ego.
  • To mitigate those weaker turns, play your allies when you flip down to alter-ego. Don't save events for the next turn.
  • When you use her Morphogenetics ability to bring an event back, don't forget you can use that card as a resource to play something else. It is not just for playing the event twice.
  • You can activiate Nakia Bahadir while in alter-ego, then flip to hero and reduce the cost if your next card while in hero form.

I hope you enjoy the deck as much as I do. I've put a good amount of testing into the deck and I like where it is at right now.


Aug 14, 2020 ecamel · 11

As someone who's tackled a lot of the game's heroic content with Justice BW and Aggro Kamala, I have a few thoughts on this. I would not play Concussive Blow without Martial Prowess (Hulk pack), even with her polymer suit. It's way over-costed without guaranteed damage. Followed is definitely a situational inclusion; I would not run 2 against every scenario. I would never run more than 1 Under Surveillance, and I would only include it against scenarios with very low threat thresholds (like Ultron 1A). Not including Counterintelligence is a mistake; in my opinion, threat prevention is better than threat removal, threat removal is a hair better than raising your threat cap in most situations. The personas do not actually replace Helicarrier as they are only accessible in alter ego form, which you shouldn't be in every turn as your strategy guide suggests. It should be at least 2:1 hero to alter ego. If you are swapping every turn then you absolutely need at least 2 Counterintelligence to mitigate the threat you are producing and I'd trade Jessica Jones (or one of the basic allies) for Coulson. Just my input, feel free to ignore as you see fit and have fun. :)

Aug 14, 2020 Bowser · 37

@ecamel Thanks for the feedback. I can definitely see going with something like this if you really wanted to focus heavily on threat mitigation:

-2 Followed, -1 Under Surveillance, -1 Jessica Jones

+3 Counterintelligence, +1 Agent Coulson

The Concussive Blow / Martial Prowess won't work at least not in a single deck (yet) because they are different aspects. I don't think I have ever played Concussive Blow without a icon before. I've just rarely found I didn't have one when I needed it.

Aug 14, 2020 ecamel · 11

Of course, you're right; I recently added Martial Prowess to my Aggro Kamala deck and it COOKS. I got my wires crossed there, my bad. Losing Jessica stinks because she is a nice source of damage for the cost, and she's good against the side scheme heavy encounters. I would normally suggest replacing Quake instead, but regardless of how you play Kamala, I think most would agree she needs to live in alter ego more than most heroes, so Quake gets more opportunities to shine in this deck. In general, I don't particularly like her tho, she's too slow / situational. So many great options, and Kamala is one of the few that's truly versatile.