Rogue paired with a fine 2022 Nova

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

InigoMontoya · 4250


Like a great meal with a vintage wine, this deck pairs with Nova ( The idea is to keep Touched on Nova every round unless you want to set up Bulletproof Belle. Since it's requires a partner, don't try this deck in solo.

Next, put out Dauntless. From there, as long as you keep your HP at 11 or above, you'll have Aerial, Retaliate and Stalwart. That will make Goin' Rogue 5 thwart, a confuse and 1 card. Southern Cross is 8 damage, a stun, and 1 card.

That's all the set up you need to make those cards amazing. Rogue does need more supports and upgrades to be more efficient overall, but the card draw from Forge, Moon Girl and Ironheart helps a good bit. Pinpoint shuffling those allies back in the deck makes them happen more often.

Here's the set up:

Tips to make your own Rogue pairing:

  • Find a hero that either has Aerial from the beginning or can easily get it.

  • Use a hero with traits that can either get you resource generators, or can help you with card draw.

  • Use a hero with cards that make Superpower Adaptation amazing. Think of Rogue using a 0 cost Knife Leap or Hulk Smashing for 12 after poor Hulk couldn't use it the turn before.

I hope you enjoy Rogue! She's definitely the most talked about and debated hero to come out in a long time.


Feb 24, 2023 journeyman2 · 21240

Good stuff! We should play the decks together sometime!!!

Feb 24, 2023 IcyHaze · 67

Are you playing Unleash Nova Force only for more consistency for Nova?

Feb 24, 2023 InigoMontoya · 4250

@journeyman2 Sounds good! Never played MC online.

@IcyHaze I'd say I'm playing it more because it charges Nova so well. Unleash Nova Force is an amazing card for him. Getting an extra card, a ready and a resource with every minion killed or scheme reduced to 0 is amazing.