Scarlet Witch Turbo Draw MS

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Scarlet Witch Turbo Draw and Build HEROIC clearing 1290 1059 75 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Masterseck · 13

Another turbo draw deck.

Wanda can get off to the races right away without any build up. Molecular Decay is an amazing attack card and Hex Bolt offers all the utility you need (chipping damage, thwarting, drawing and defending via status cards).

The intention for this deck is to flip down often to make use of Agatha Harkness and Meditation. Agatha allows you to potentially draw a strong card or a double resource into hand while not even wasting the other 2 cards (they'll be redrawn shortly from the bottom the deck, which you'll get to quickly!). In order to allow you to flip down, there's a lot of confuse in the deck via Hex Bolt results, Professor X, and Concussive Blow.

The allies chosen all perform some purpose besides just being a chump blocker. Eros has 2 Thwart to assist should your Hex Bolts choose not to cooperate when you want additional thwart, Ironheart offer a card draw, Mockingbird is to Stun, Nick Fury is for card draw, Professor X is for Confuse.

For events, One Way or Another is amazing for card draw. Often you can thwart away the side scheme almost immediately using a couple of hex bolts or Nick Fury/Professor X. I prefer not to run Zone of Silence because if you use it, you're potentially discarding important cards but I could see why some may want to slot it in. Meditation can be used in Alter Ego to get free/cheap allies, Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier or anything else that doesn't require Hero/Avengers traits. Spiritual Meditation is a great card for extra cycling. It doesn't actually net you an additional resource but often will get you a more useful card right away. You don't have to choose to discard one of the cards you just drew from Spiritual Meditation either. You can discard ANY card in your hand.

Deft Focus is a useful resource generator for your Hex Bolt and Warp Reality. I put in Chance Encounter to help a bit with ally recursion. Overwatch is good if you already have a side scheme in play but still want to play One Way or Another.

Overall, Wanda is a very quick starter and really only wants a couple of upgrades along the way. The Sorcerer Supreme, Agatha Harkness and Scarlet Witch's Crest are the only things she really wants. If you can use Meditation to get out Avengers Mansion or a Helicarrier you're laughing.

It should be noted that although I love to flip down and leverage Agatha Harkness and Meditation, you don't have to. She's perfectly comfortable remaining in Hero form the entire game, especially if you already have The Sorcerer Supreme out.