Black Panther - Big Entrances

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I started this deck when I realized that Beast would allow you to seek out Vibranium cards. The goal of the deck shifted as I built it to a more general one of having lots of resources to repeatedly play allies that generate a benefit when played.

Every ally in the deck has a bonus when played except Goliath, but he has his own combo. By using Get Ready with Goliath, you can use his +4 ATK bonus and still ready him to use his 2 THW or another 1 ATK before being discarded at the end of the phase. (if Team Training is not yet in play and Rapid Response is, you can attack twice with him, then rapid response him back, and either thwart or attack again, using his special ability again in the same phase)

Make the Call and Rapid Response can both be used to bring back allies for their particular benefit. Team Training will allow you to use Get Ready with the two health allies to activate twice and still be used as chump blockers.

Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Clarity of Purpose all provide the necessary resources for repeated card plays and all the double resource cards and bonus cards from Ironheart, Maria Hill, and The Golden City should help get them into play.


Sandman - Standard, Solo - State of Emergency, Masters of Evil


Nov 12, 2022 Wooddawg · 1

Haven't played Black Panther in awhile and with the new movie out I wanted to try him again. I played against Rhino with Iron Spiders Sinister Six encounter set. At the end I had Killmonger, Sandman, and a Hydra Mercenary engaged with me. Rhino on Phase 2 with 13 HP left with the Armored Reinforced Suit attached. 2 side schemes were in play giving me +2 encounter cards a turn with 5 threat on the main Scheme. I knew I needed to end it that turn or I could easily lose. On that last turn I was able to erase a part of the threat (couldn't get it all) defeat all the minions and Rhino for the victory. Very fun and nail biting finish. Great deck and one I'll play again.

Nov 14, 2022 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 739

That's a great finish! Thanks for giving me the report. It's a blast to hear someone else having fun with my deck!