Phoenix / Justice - Burning Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 525

This deck tries to compensate for the low thwart when Unleashed, so you can do a lot of damage, while also keeping threat at low.


Starting, try to get Phoenix Suit out as soon as possible so you can get Aerial and you can use Agile Flight. Don't worry if you can't, the deck plays without it well, it is just easier to manage threat.

If you are playing the campaign, or you have a lot of side schemes out at the beginning, use your basic thwart to get the threat under control. Once it is under control, or your feel comfortable with your set-up and threat you can use up the counters and get Unleashed with Phoenix Force B.

Endurance will give you more time in Hero for, but don't be scared to go in alter ego to heal or get some counter on Phoenix Force A, as Psychic Manipulation will can be played in both forms.

Allies breakdown

You can use Cerebro to fetch an ally for an extra resource in alter-ego form, or to help you gain control again.

  • Cyclops - Use him to get more counters for resources, if you are not ready to be Unleashed, or to help you get back into Restrained.
  • Blindfold - Use to gain information. In single player you can make sure you get rid of a treachery that you don't want to encounter, and in multiplayer you can see how many boost icons will go for the scheme or attack of the villain. It helps a lot to prevent Sabretooth I to not heal for a lot if you are about to take him down.
  • Professor X - He is good to clean up threat and to soak up an attach. And it can ready Phoenix, which is not to be underestimated. (Remember, only in hero form).
  • Marvel Girl - If you don't know what to get, Marvel Girl is a good fallback.

Modifications options