Aggressive Spider-Gwen

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LeahLorenna · 310


About me:

I started playing almost a year ago and while I dont play a lot of solo games - as I mainly play duos when I play by myself - I still try to build my decks so they can stand on their own without having to rely on other players. But usually I play with a full party of 4 players :) That being said, it means that my decks might not always be 100% optimised for solo games, but I'll try to give suggestions on how to adjust the deck if I feel it might be lacking in a certain area. So I hope you gonna stick around till the end :)

This is gonna be my second deck that I publish after you guys encouraged me to publish more. So I hope you will like this just as much. This deck will come in a pair as I am also publishing my Protection version of Gwen :)

Protection Version

About the deck:

The idea behind the deck is not really ground breaking. Obviously, we wanna abuse her hero ability Dizzying Reflexes as much as possible. That means we want a lot of Interrupt or Response events in our deck in order to ready her again and also draw some cards with Web-Bracelet :) Lucky for us, she already brings a bunch of strong ones with her hero kit.

Ghost Kick is incredibly strong for just a cost of 2 it deals 6 damage to an enemy. That means it doesn't have to be the enemy that we attacked with our basic attack or defended against! It also triggers our hero ability and let us draw a card.

Phantom Flip is a response that thwarts for 5 after using our basic power. Which is a very good value!

Pirouette and Punch let's us deal with any annoying encounter card and even damages the villain.

Web Binding is also a really great card. Especialy in multiplayer where you can just cancel the villains activation, even if they doesn't activate against you!

While Agression doesn't offer as many Interrupt or Response events as Protection does, we still have enough to choose from to make the most of her hero ability. So let's get into it!

At first we gonna talk about the allies:

Peter Parker is as always an obvious choice for every hero with the web warrior trait. And even more so if we rely on our basic power :) So he can keep us on our toes.

Hobie Brown - Bobby is always there to take a hit for us and ready to punish the villain in return :)

SP//dr - As mentioned in my Protection version, Peni is Gwens favorite new ally! She helps us dealing with threat and can trigger Web of Life and Destiny each round to make the most of it. Once you played her, let her attack. Next round she's gonna thwart and due to that excess damage she will return to our hand and let us draw a card! With the new card and Helicarrier we can practically play her for free again. So just restart the cycle and most of our previous threat issues are a thing of the past, noice!

Spider-Girl to add a litte bit of a meat shield. And because she's part of the spider-family!

Upgrades are next:

For the Aggression version we gonna add Combat Training to our list. Since we wanna do damage and Gwen "only" comes with a base power of 2, we gonna make good use of the +1 extra attack :)

Web of Life and Destiny is pretty much a must have in combination with SP//dr

Warrior of the Great Web will also trigger each time SP//dr returns to our hand and gives us another +1 Attack each round. We just get so much value from Peni! Yaaaay!

For the other two slots I chose to go with 2 copies of Hand Cannon. While it does not trigger our Web-Bracelets or our hero ability, we do like the + extra damage and also the Overkill might come in handy as well if we deal excess damage to minions :)

Now let's talk about our events:

Since we do have 2 copies of Hand Cannon in our deck, Mean Swing makes a lot of sense. If we have both on the table we can use it to exhause the other Hand Canon and get 3 instead of 2 dmg. Or if we don't need the overkill we have the option to still make use of the Canon with this neat little event. The cost of 0 makes it also pretty damn valuable and it triggers Web-Bracelet and our hero ability.

Skilled Strike is always the perfect choice for every hero who likes to attack with the basic power.

Now, since we do not have a lot of allies who can block for us we might wanna defend as well. Since Gwen does come with 3 DEF it feels a bit of wasted power to let only our allies block for us. But unless Peter is there to save the day, we also need some more options to trigger Dizzying Reflexes, otherwise we are going to end up exhausted during our own turn - and well.... where is the fun it that? So we gonna need some events that are playable during the villains turn.

Warning is an excellent choice for this! It has all the requirement we need to trigger all we want. Be mindfull though, that you can only play it IF you take damage. If you defend for 3 and the villain or the minion only attacks you for 3 or less then you can't play it. So keep that in mind. So try to play around that. If you defend against the villain see if you can use that card agains an incoming minion attack instead :)

"You'll Pay for That!" - I added this one to give us another card we can play during the villain turn, same with Warning be mindful when you use it. If you don't take damage, that card doesn't do anything for you.

Adjustmens & final thoughts:

What other choices do we have? Let's see. For allies you can always go with Hulk if you want someone to block for you. For the cost of 2 he can take a lot of minion hits or ~2 villain attacks. In this deck you probably wanna avoid using his attack during your round.

Brawn can fulfill that role, too but also lets you attack/thwart. He does cost 1 more resource, though.

You can practically add any other 2-3 cost minion to this deck like Tigra or Marvel Boy if you wanna get rid of of tough status first. There aren't really bad choices here. I would only recommend to stay away from a 4 cost ally. I chose to go with Spider-Girl to have a quick stun ready for any elite minion I might come across. If you wanna have a few more minions, I would suggest reducing "You'll Pay for That!" and either Warning or Mean Swing by 1 for each minion.

While I do like Jarnbjorn a lot, I would not suggest going for it. Even if it's cheap and you can also use Mean Swing with it.. Outside of that you won't get much value from it. You probably would be better of with Godslayer. But I also wouldn't recommend that ^^

For events we do have quite some other options, though! You can add Chase Them Down to have a more reliable option to thwart compared to "You'll Pay for That!". But you will lose an event that you can play during the villain phase!

The Best Defenseā€¦ would counter balance this choice if you want to! Be mindful, that it will reduce our defense if we don't have Combat Training on the table. But it does have a cost of 0 which is quite nice and we don't have other restrictions like we have with "You'll Pay for That!" or Warning. So this card is definitely a valid option!

Across the Spider-Verse - A great card... you might find it a bit expensive to play though in this setting. So I wouldn't recommend adding this card. Even if that means we have to wait for Peter to be reshuffled in our deck T_T

Moment of Triumph could also be a choice.. if you use your Hand Cannon you will convert your excess damage into overkill damage and will still be able to heal yourself. Just make sure that the minion is low enough to get the most healing out of it!

Surprise Attack is probably not that worth it either, since we don't wanna go to our Alter-Ego form that often. So I would recommend to stay away from this event.

While we do not have the extra card draw from Unflappable that we have in the Protection Aspect, I don't think we gonna need an Avengers Mansion in this deck. As we do not have any copies of The Power in All of Us (or The Power of Aggression for that matter) the mansion seems a bit too expensive.

So that's it! I hope someone out there will enjoy playing this deck. I love playing Gwen. I think the Web Warrior expansion is really fun and came with a lot of great cards!



Sep 08, 2022 dr00 · 44025

happy to see more decks! Gwen is such a fun hero, and i'm glad to see your take on it. i really like Mean Swing here, especially with multiple Hand Cannons, so you can exhaust one and use the other. the image of Gwen just shooting some with giant dual weld pistols is hilarious to me. i think i will also try out Jarnbjorn

and i love Warning for Gwen. it's so underrated here. like yeah, it's generally pretty awful, but it can trigger in the hero phase with things like Retaliate, and there's just... so many ways for it to trigger in the villain phase lol

Sep 30, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

I am happy you like the deck! :) @dr00 Yeah that's a pretty funny image. Also I think it's kinda cool :D She could have 2 Web Blasters!

Let me know how it wen with Jarnbjorn. When I tested it I always thought that I would rather use the cards to get the effekts + the ready instead of just the 2 dmg from it. So ultimately I decided against it.

And yeah, Warning is really great for Gwen! :) Like this card a lot in this deck