Spider-Man/Protection One-Shot

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LochNess2112 · 8

I've set out to determine if I can build a solo deck for each Hero/Aspect combination in the Core Set that can defeat all three Villains (Rhino, Klaw, and Ultron) on both Normal and Expert mode. I'm calling these decks my One-Shot decks.

Vs. Rhino

Use Armored Vest on Spider-Man in order to absorb attacks from Rhino. Relying heavily on allies to inflict damage and manage threat while keeping them healthy with Med Team. Allies chip away at Rhino and set-up Spidey for the win with Swinging Web Kick. Using Counter-Punch and Indomitable to get Spidey's basic abilities into the mix. Added Emergency for a bit of threat reduction.

Results: Rhino (Normal): 1 Victory; Rhino (Expert): 1 Victory/1 Defeat