the G.I.R.L. and the Goliath (Old ~ V1.0)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wasp: GIRL gets Goliath 21 13 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

sanare124 · 57

Updated version


In this deck, we will explore how we can use Nadia Van Dyne's G.I.R.L. ability to efficiently play Goliath. Goliath is a strong win condition dealing 5 damage per swing. However for a deck to fully utilise his power we need to address 3 main issues

  1. How to consistently find Goliath

  2. How to consistently pay for Goliath

  3. How to maximise Goliath's damage

G.I.R.L. making the call

I cannot overstate how important this combo is. Make the Call lets you play an ally from the discard pile and G.I.R.L. allows you to recycle Make the Call back into the deck. This means you can keep recurring allies from the discard pile which make it a perfect combo to consistently make use of Goliath.

Finding Goliath in your deck is not easy but we overcome this by including many card draws in the deck. Moon Girl and Maria Hill deserve special mention as the former allows for an insane card draw and the latter helps your entire team.

Furthermore, this combo allows you to freely chump block for your teammates offering amble support while you are searching for your Goliath.

Paying for Goliath

Nadia/Wasp being both a genius and an avenger allows us to use Ingenuity and Quincarrier, two very powerful resources generating cards. These along with Helicarrier helps us pay for the 4 cost Goliath consistently.

Goliath Smash!!

I toyed with many ideas on how to maximise Goliath's damage. We can fling him at the enemy with Go Down Swinging dealing 9 damage or we can juice him up with upgrades. In the end, I settled on the double-hit Goliath using Command Team.

Marvel champions rewards playing all your hand cards every turn. This makes combos with events very difficult as you may not have all the pieces in your hand. We circumvent this problem by using supports instead of events as our combo pieces to make playing the combo more consistent. Hence we are favouring Command Team over events such as Inspiring Presence.


Jun 17, 2022 neothechosen · 10624

Like this idea! However, I would consider a few things: take out every avenger ally you can and have Call for Aid, which would either give you Scott or Goliath.

Also, if Goliath attacks twice thanks to Command Team, he is defeated; Rapid Response could bring him back anew.

Just my two cents!

Jun 18, 2022 sanare124 · 57

@neothechosen Thank you for checking out my deck!

I totally agree with adding Rapid Response. I think I will remove Giant-Man and Save the Day to make space.

Personally, I don't really like Ant-Man as its stat is a bit underwhelming. So the 50/50 success rate of Call for Aid is too "coin flippy" for my personal taste.

Btw do you know how I can update the deck list? I am still very new to marvelcdb.

Jun 18, 2022 neothechosen · 10624

@sanare124 Unforunately you have to make changes to your deck and re-publish, so you'll end up with two lists. Your deck will show version 2.0. People have also been updating the description add suggesting changes because the list is fixed once published.

Jun 18, 2022 sanare124 · 57

@neothechosen That is a shame. I will upload a new version then. :(