Groot - Untouchable Tree (Project Post-con) [P]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con builds: V2.0

Removed since previous version: 2x Indomitable

Added since previous version: 1x Jocasta, 1x Helicarrier

Groot has a lot of options: Justice for flipping often for counters, leadership for chumping allies or even aggression to ensures minions can't take his counters down. However, in my eyes, protection remains the play style that makes the deck feel the most unique.

This deck focusses on not taking damage and reaping all the benefits from that. And before you ask, yes, with this strategy I have pulled off several 8-10 counter "I am Groot" and "I. AM. GROOT!". But the beauty is, even without those, the deck can get running well. This deck is designed to also go well with the Rocket deck of this project: Rockets then handles all schemes and minions, which form the greatest threat to Groot. But also in solo or in combo with other partners, Groot holds his own.


By now, you know the drill, the three basic resources again get a spot. Besides this, I also added The Power of Protection as there are quite some good targets for it.


  • Rocket Raccoon is, as in the guardians films, a great buddy for Groot. He complements him well with Groot's 2 greatest threats: scheming, to which Rocket can thwart with a base 2 and minions dealing small hits, which Rocket just obliterates. Furthermore, you want to keep him around as long as possible for Flora and Fauna.
  • Clea, in contrast, you want to cheaply throw in front of Groot any time you can (after having thwarted for one). She keeps recurring, giving consistent protection.
  • Warlock serves as a relatively cheap ally for blocking and a versatile option to thwart, which you can keep around with resources.
  • Jocasta is a strong addition to give Groot an additional ally and helps hip recur the defence cards (mainly Never Back Down to ensure he takes no damage.


  • Armored Vest is a must to get his DEF high enough to start tanking the damage and keeping counters. It helps you also trigger the following three upgrades.
  • Dauntless is basically a permanent retaliate 1 on Groot.
  • Hard to Ignore ensures systematic threat removal.
  • Unflappable helps getting cards on each defence, as Groot has no inherent options to do so.
  • Deft Focus further helps with Groot's resource management, as a lot of his hero-specific cards are Superpower traited.
  • Entangling Vines, Lashing Vines and Vine Spikes should only be activated in time of need, as they cost counters. They however help thin the deck and can be useful in pinch to not lose momentum.
  • Vine Shield is similar, but a bit more effective. If you know you will be hit by a big attack, +3DEF can save you three growth counters for the cost of only one. It works as an insurance card.


  • Fertile Ground is a must in this deck as absolutely worth mulliganning for. It gives card draw and counters, which Groot desperately needs. Even when flipping rarely, it enables 2 additional counters on a flip, ensuring the villain won't scheme too much.
  • Helicarrier helps with his limited resource generation to ensure you can play your Groot events when needed.
  • Med Team has the primary use to keep Rocket Raccoon around. With Rocket around, it is worth 6 activations of 2 TWH or killing or 6 annoying minions (or a combo thereof). If you can't play Rocket in a multiplayer game with a Rocket hero, it works the same, as your frail playing partner will be grateful for the assist.


  • Fruition ensures you recover from any counter loss you still get. It is always great to draw into these.
  • Root Stomp is great as well, as Groot really does not want minions to survive and activate against him. The bonus of generating a growth counter helps you get to that 8-10 range fast.
  • "I am Groot" and "I. AM. GROOT!" are late-game cards. You only want to prioritise these once you have Deft Focus out (as they are a bit expensive for Groot's card draw) and with at least 6 growth counters. However, in this deck, I have often pulled these of with 8+ counters.
  • "We Are Groot" is again an insurance card. For the cost of 1 counter, you can prevent a much higher counter loss. In rare cases this is even worth giving other's tough, but don't be too generous with it. Remember, Groot is not Dr. Strange.
  • Flora and Fauna is a great addional source of counters and an additional reason to keep Rocket on the board.
  • Never Back Down increases your def to tank most hits that are not Ronan. With the counters, the stun will also always trigger, ensuring a free villain activation next turn. This even leaves you open to then defend to minions that turn to take the pressure of. A prime target for Jocasta.
  • Fighting Fit is a good damage card in protection and will always hit for 5.
  • Hard Knocks works on both fronts, as a minion killer and a tough to protect your counters.

In conclusion, I am Groot, I AM Groot! I am Groot, I am Groot? I am Groot.


Jun 09, 2022 MightySchoop · 37

Any thoughts about using Electrostatic Armor with this deck? Seems like you're going to be defending a lot and getting an extra "free" damage seems worth the 1 cost.