Peter Tingle (protection/solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

alx145 · 1

Spiderman is a great hero with many strenghts but his main weakness is his ablility to thwart. I wanted to create a protection build with him to take advantage of that beefy 3 def stat but that increases the thwarting problem. Fortunately we have some new cards to tackle the issue.

This deck focuses heavily on setting yourself up for the first half of the game. Cards like Hard to Ignore, Endurance, Electrostatic Armor, and Armored Vest are the main priorities. While building up we need to keep threat at bay and for that our main tools will be Hard to Ignore and Bait and Switch. Thanks to the new defense rules we will be able to trigger Hard to Ignore when defending with Backflip. Our allies are really important as well. Jocasta can thwart for 2 and bring those Backflip for a 2nd free defense. Warlock is great in this deck because we can reliably heal him with our alter ego ability, Web-Shooter, or Quincarrier. Miles Morales can save us from a tight spot by either taking out a side scheme or minion and finally Nova is a great end game card paired with Quincarrier to deal 2 dmg a turn.

Once we have a stable board state we can concentrate dealing damage to the villain with Swinging Web Kick, our allies and Spidey.

I hope you have fun backflipping your way out of danger with this build.