Gamora Neverending Stun Machine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

beidlmeister · 8

Gamoras Neverending Stun Machine

Welcome to the Stun Machine. The aim of this deck is to burst the opponent down as fast as possible while keeping them stunned as long as possible. Schemes are held in check by Gamora's Finesse ability as well as the thwart events from her hero kit.

Key Cards


You want to get to your resource generators as fast as possible. This means mulliganing for either Keen Instincts or Martial Prowess. Conditioning Room can be played on turn 1 and then immediately get the card back that was spent to pay for it.

Stun Effects

The deck plays a total of 6 Stun and 2 Confuse Effects (3x Drop Kick, 2x Tackle, 1x Mockingbird, and 2x Concussive Blow). This means that you can usually keep a stun or confuse chain going for at least several turns. The cost restriction of Drop Kick can easily be paid, since the deck has an abundance of resources.

Other cards

Hulk can deal massive amounts of damage (again, the majority of resources helps out tremendously) or chump block. Momentum Shift and Endurance provide healing, Clobber helps with clearing minions, Piercing Strike is a nice silver bullet and can be found from either Nebula or Plan of Attack. The Hand Cannons also clear minions as well as providing extra burst damage. Gamoras Hero Events help clear the schemes and dish out damage. Crosscounter can help as pseudo-Stun (keep in mind that it triggers both finesse and precision). Finally, Gamora's Sword increases the damage output but I've noticed that it is sometimes difficult to play (high cost, no immediate effect).

Notable omissions

Hall of Heroes: I tried it for some time but unless you're playing against a really minion heavy villain (such as Ultron), it can usually only be activated once, which is not enough in my mind.

Spider-Girl: Another stun and confuse effect but only for minions. Usually the deck wants to kill any minions on sight, therefore eliminating the need to stun and confuse them.

Combat Training: I've found handguns to be much more effective. For the same cost you get effectively +2 ATK and overkill.

Press the Advantage: I've tried it. I've tried to like it. But I couldn't. Usually you can play 1 or 2 events per turn and when you use the first to stun the enemy and the second to play Press the Advantage, you normally have no way to profit off the drawn card. Additionally, the resource symbol hurts when paying for drop kicks or Hulk activations.


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