A Rigged Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Marvel Chumpions · 168

Annabelle Riggs deck -> "Rigged" deck... see what I did there...

I like trying to find combos to create some fun gameplay and I was interested in the direction they took on Valkyrie. She is a minion monster and there is no doubt about that, but what else can she do. I've seen several discussions about Annabelle Riggs and why she is not a Persona/Support. After some tinkering around, I've found a unique way to make her special for being an Ally rather than a support.

Main Objective

Get Annabelle Riggs pumped up to draw 3 cards once Valkyrie flips to Alter-Ego all while defending and dealing damage.

Annabelle Draw

Since Annabelle Riggs is an ally, you can give her upgrades. Honorary Avenger goes on first then Sky Cycle. Gives her +1 health to keep her alive, but also allows her to ready for at least 2 card draws. If you have Command Team then that's 1 additional ready for 3 card draws. You can always add more Command Teams to the deck, but the setup isn't always worth it during a game. When not in Alter-Ego, Annabelle Riggs can be used to ready Valkyrie through Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Control the Air

Another cool setup is that Sky Cycle gives Ariel to the ally which makes Air Supremacy more of a viable option. If you have Aragorn attached, Sky Cycle or two on allies and 1 or 2 of the allies already with Ariel then you can potentially hit 3+ enemies for 3 DMG. This can help take out minions with Death-Glow and get past Guard, Stun, and Retaliate since Air Supremacy is not an attack event.


If you want a deck that takes Valkyrie's strengths of killing all the minions, then Aggression may be the better choice. If you want a deck to take other concepts of Valkyrie and make her a more rounded and fun style of Hero, then this deck might be right for you.

Card Breakdown

Adam Warlock - Adam has 2 main purposes 1) Ally with Ariel to fuel Air Supremacy and 2) His ability to do thwart and healing.

Annabelle Riggs - Explained in the write-up, but in summary... lots of card draw and readying.

Ant-Man - Cheap ally that can be a good thwart and attack assistant.

Falcon - Ally with ariel, can thwart, and Avenger for Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Kaluu - Helps with card draw and an Avenger to help with Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Maria Hill - Helps with card draw, thwart, and cheap

Air Supremacy - Take out multiple enemy including ones with Death-Glow. It is also not an Attack Event so no retaliate, guard or stun can stop it.

Chooser of the Slain - Helps Valkyrie's gears move.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Helps keep Valkyrie ready or allies if you have another priority.

Have at Thee! - Strong attack

Shieldmaiden - Can be good depending on the scenario. Since this deck flips forms a decent amount, Death-Glow doesn't have to be stuck on the villain.

Visit Valhalla - Not the best card, but can help since you will be in Alter-Ego form more often and if you lose out on a key Valkyrie card.

Band Together - This can be a hit or miss, but since you are trying to keep allies out, this card could be great for some of the higher-cost cards.

Energy, Genius, Strength, The Power of Leadership - All to help with resource management.

Command Team - I like this card since it gives you options on how to use it. Want to draw more? -> Ready Annabelle Riggs, Need more healing or thwart? -> Ready Adam Warlock. Need to use Earth's Mightiest Heroes to ready Valkyrie? Ready an Avenger. Lots of options with this card.

Quincarrier - If you can get it out early, it can really help resource smooth for Valkyrie

Valhalla - This card is generally great for Valkyrie. Depending on the villain, this can be a high priority or lower on the totem pole.

Aragorn - Grants ariel and health... Great card for this deck.

Dragonfang - Probably the most essential card to Valkyrie no matter the situation. Having the +2 for Death-Glow make Valkyrie function like the God of Death.

Flight of the Valkyrie - Great card, but sad that it is the only thwart for Valkyrie. Get it out and use it to help with side schemes or if the main gets out of control... allies should be your basis for simple thwart.

Honorary Avenger - Key card to make some many things function. Sky Cycle, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and giving +1 health.

Sky Cycle - Attach this to Annabelle Riggs to draw at least 2 cards (if you have Valkyrie left in your deck) when you are in Alter-Ego form. This can really help with setting up give turns.

Valkyrie's Spear - This card is such a double edge sword.. or spear... Getting the +2 DEF is nice, but you generally only need that for the villain which would require you to have Death-Glow attached. If you can get it out, do it, but if that is at the cost of another upgrade like Dragonfang, Valhalla, or an ally then use it as a resource. Between flipping to Alter-Ego, Valhalla, and Adam Warlock, Valkyrie can heal pretty good.


Dec 22, 2021 Onions · 80

This is an amazing concept!

Dec 22, 2021 neothechosen · 10662

Indeed, amazing! Annabelle Riggs may get some play after all, I'll admit this approach makes her shine in a new way!

Thanks for this!

Dec 22, 2021 Marvel Chumpions · 168

@Onions Thanks! It's pretty fun to have a "Hall of Heroes" in Annabelle Riggs.

Dec 22, 2021 Marvel Chumpions · 168

@neothechosen I appreciate the comment. Hopefully, this helps players enjoy Valkyrie a little more.

Dec 22, 2021 MilkyWilson · 103

Really clever idea here, excited to try this out

Dec 23, 2021 Marvel Chumpions · 168

@MilkyWilson thanks, hope you enjoy it.