Asguardian of the Galaxy - Love and Thunder [Thor Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

grenyay · 174


With recent cards coming out I want to keep a running list of what I've changed:

  • Add Angela. This card was clearly built to help Thor, 0 cost ally to engage a minion and draw 2 cards. I took out Lockjaw for this.


I built this deck specifically to beat Ronan in the GMW campaign while playing multiplayer, and to that end it worked really well. That's not to say that it can't do well against other villains, and could work for solo as well with some modifications.

Thor is one of my favorite heroes but is ostensibly one of the worst in MC, so to show his power, I wanted to build a deck that could take on the hardest Villain. Ronan is annoyingly hard, but constraints force you to be creative, which I love, and I love the idea of using a traditionally not great but possibly unexplored hero to go against the grain and do well. In that sense Thor is kind of like a knuckleball in baseball.

Before going in to the explanation I want to qualify some things about the deck which will help out the group when picking aspects and setting up.

  • Especially in the GMW campaign at least some of your teammates need to be justice, thwarting is very very important, which if you've played it, goes without saying.

  • I know I know, 42 cards. One of the things about MC, is that once you've got some experience deckbuilding, I don't think it's so critical to stick to 40 and you can have take some liberty with it. Of course don't add a lot of fluff, but I had success with the extra cards I decided to add in. If you want to take cards out down to 40, I'd recommend taking out Lockjaw or Sentry for allies, 1 Team-Building Exercise and I'd say either Hall of Heroes or Deft Focus. But mix and match as you want for whatever works best for you.

  • There are some obvious changes you need to make for single player. Remove Get Over Here!, and just leave em out, or even add Looking for Trouble.

Defender of the Nine Realms

The idea of this deck is to take advantage of Thor's need to protect others by taking/killing all the minions! One thing about playing Ronan, is that your teammates and you need to remove threat every turn and try to set up, just to keep up. His minions are horrible, and most of them have patrol, guard, or both, and you need to keep them off your compatriots and kill them quickly. Use Get Over Here! to take their minions if you have played Mjolnir on the field, and whenever you can, use Defender of the Nine Realms to get minions from the encounter deck. This will help by discarding some brutal encounter cards, and is even a good way to put the universal weapon in the discard pile to give yourselves a reprieve from it.

For doing damage, this deck works on overkill, so use basic attacks from Thor and minions to bring the minions down to low health. Communicate with teammates to make sure they don't kill theirs if they don't have to. Use Into the Fray to keep main scheme down, removing 5 threat as overkill when you can (this is crucial, use it every time you can). Hammer Throw is self explanatory, use it on low health minions to do big overkill damage to Ronan. Combine the large overkill attacks with Moment of Triumph to heal, this has saved me a couple times without having to spend a villain phase flipped over. Lightning Strike can get you out of a sticky situation by nuking all the minions.

Whosoever holds this hammer...

I want to talk about using Mjolnir because I think that's the maybe the trickiest part of using this build, and Thor builds in general. In the beginning of the game, I almost always use Mjolnir as a resource, utilize the worthy ability a lot to bring Mjolnir back to your hand and spend it again. I think early in the game you'll get much more out of using it, because you won't use it as an attack often. A few exceptions to this will be using Get Over Here! to grab a minion, and Hammer Throw to overkill a minion, as obviously Mjolnir will need to be in play. Many times I'd have Mjolnir on the field and use hammer throw to return it to my hand then use it to pay for another attack or 1 cost card to then return it to my hand for the next turn.

TLDR: Use the hammer as a resource to play upgrade/supports and other events early in the game, and leave it on the field later in the game for the attack boost and aerial ability.

Just the latest in a long line of bastards...

Ronan, Ronan, Ronan... He sucks. You have to get lucky with your card draws in the beginning, hopefully you'll get a Defender of the Nine Realms, or some other way to grab a minion in the first turn. Hopefully you also draw Mjolnir so you can spend it as a resource, bring it back, and spend it again. You need to upgrade early, because by turn 2 you need to be decently set up, and you need to help the other players get rid of Kree Supremacy, the absolute worst side scheme. If one of you have the Power Stone from Nebula, let Ronan take it, it's better than double boost cards, and then try as hard as you can to keep the main scheme from flipping. You want to be set up before that happens... Keep the guard and patrol minions off your allies and do chip damage to Ronan. Once the scheme flips, hopefully you'll be set up and you'll be able keep pace with Ronan. Take the power stone, keep killing those minions with overkill damage, healing, and threat removal and hope the encounter cards are nice to you. Good luck!


May 14, 2021 TrashPanda · 1248

Great write up and decklist. I love the idea of Thor taking all of the minions for the team because the Patrol minions (especially badoon campaign ones) are game ending when you can get to the main scheme to thwart it. Best Thor deck I have seen for Galaxy's Most Wanted Campaign!