Bonk n' Bounce: Core + Ms. Marvel Deck 3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Swinging Back to Action 0 0 0 3.0

nateparkes · 334

Do you hate deckbuilding? Do you have the core set and the Ms. Marvel hero pack? Then this deck is for you.

This is the third deck of my six "Core + Ms. Marvel" rebuilt starter decks. Here's how this series will work:

  • There will be a decklist for each of the six heroes (5 core + Ms. Marvel).
  • Each deck will only use cards from one Core Set and one Ms. Marvel pack.
  • Decks from different aspects won't share cards, so you'll be able to build four decks (one for each aspect) simultaneously.

Here we go:

Bonk n' Bounce

The title of this deck comes from the Ms. Marvel card it uses: Concussive Blow. This is a great card for Spider-man, because it allows him to confuse an enemy, run back to Aunt May's house, get healed, then run up to his room, build some cool science stuff, and get back before the villain can advance their scheme. Additionally, we run a copy of Endurance from the Ms. Marvel pack because it lets Spider-man take more damage before running back to Aunt May for 8 healing over two turns (have I mentioned how great Aunt May is?).

Beyond that, this is a “no-thwart” justice deck, meaning that Spider-man will rely on Allies, Events, and Support cards to do the threat reduction, while he spends his actions either attacking or defending. He’ll use Web-Shooters, Avengers Mansion, and Helicarrier to build up to big turns where he can play expensive allies (Daredevil, Nick Fury) or expensive events (Webbed Up, Swinging Web Kick). Running three copies of Great Responsibility is a sentimental choice here, as the card is highly situational, and rarely useful in solo. But the theme of the card is so quintessential Spider-man that seeing it in your hand feels right, and it can be helpful in a multiplayer game.

Thematically, this is classic Spider-man "trying to have it all and save everyone." The concussive blow will let him bounce back for visits to Aunt May, while his phone keeps ringing off the hook with calls from S.H.I.E.L.D. and even the Avengers. Meanwhile, he's teaming up with his street-level hero friends: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Black Cat (aka "it's complicated"). Does Peter Parker have the endurance to live up to the great responsibility that comes with great power? Play the deck to find out.


Apr 23, 2021 nateparkes · 334

Why did I start this series?

A lot of players want the pleasure and challenge of playing Marvel Champions scenarios without the burden of building their own decks, and I totally get that. But there are a few drawbacks to ONLY playing the packaged precon decks:

Each hero pack includes additional cards for each aspect. If you only play the precon decks, you'll never use these cards, so you won't get any value out of this fun content you paid for.

Precon decks will sometimes struggle against harder scenarios. This is because each precon is designed to support a new hero AND introduce three copies of several new cards into the general card pool. Precons will often include more copies of a card that is optimal, and will often lack pre-existing cards that would support that hero's playstyle.

You only get to experience one "aspect" of a hero. Some players overcome this by swapping the aspect and basic cards from one precon to another hero, but this can sometimes exacerbate issue #2: swapping your precon Thor cards into a She-Hulk deck and drawing a handful of Mean Swings without drawing a Jarnbjorn can be a bummer.

So I'm hoping this can be an easy, fun way to experience a different flavor of the game without actually having to deckbuild.