Scarlet Fury Turbo-Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Scarlet Witch Fury 3 2 1 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Dcellio · 3

This deck truly is a beast, I have played through every villain through Drang on expert solo and it carves through almost all of them on the first attempt. I have only had the main scheme advance twice in all of my games (one of them only takes 3 threat and the other was due to an unlucky encounter draw) and although I revert to AE once in awhile it’s very rarely to recover health.

Setup: Mulligan and use Wanda’s alter ego ability to dig for your support cards and Sorcerer Supreme, I pitch anything other than resource cards or Spiritual Meditation to get those in my opening hand. On the first couple turns you want to focus on getting your board set up, Ironheart and Maria Hill are good early choices as well since they allow you to cycle through your deck and provide some early defense.

Strategy: Once your board is established your goal is to get Nick Fury into play, use him to attack or thwart, chump block the villain, and recycle him back out of your discard pile with Make The Call on the next turn. The best option when Fury is played is almost always drawing 3 cards since they can be used to fuel your spells which will likely do more work than a quick 4 damage.

Damage: Hex Bolt does a LOT of damage in this deck and I’ll usually prioritize it over Molecular Decay unless there is no threat to remove and all I want is damage. Last Stand also does a ton of work when paired up with your cheap allies to bomb a high health enemy or perform the coup de gras’ on the villain.

Threat: Again, Hex Bolt is going to do a lot of work here. I found that the majority of encounter cards you discard will remove threat or deal damage but remember that you can use your Crest to manipulate the results to whatever you need, including to draw a card. Along with Wanda and Nick thwarting you should never really have an issue with threat and most games I never had any main schemes advance at all.

Defense: Obviously your main defense is going to be Nick and his motley band of chumps. They were never meant to last and you will see them again soon so try to always have one on the board to block the villain. Magic Shield works as well but I don’t place a priority on having them in play personally. I will defend if necessary and a timely Endurance will probably negate any damage that sneaks through.

Updates: I have been experimenting with Resourceful in place of Last Stand and it does help thin the deck when you get them in play and gives you the extra resources you need once in awhile but I’m not sure it’s strictly a better choice. Maybe some combination of the two. I also continue to tweak the allies, I swapped out Hawkeye for Mockingbird but Squirrel Girl or War Machine works too depending on what I am up against. Honestly, once Fury hits the table it really doesn’t matter.

Give it go and see what you think, I’d love to hear your thoughts. I tried the popular Justice variant and I honestly think this is far superior. If you have any suggestions, let me know.


Apr 21, 2021 Dcellio · 3

GMW campaign update: I took out all three Last Call and added two Target Acquired to counter all the nasty boost effects, and one Deft Focus. Since it works with Hex Bolt. I have cleared Escape the Museum on expert so far with no trouble.

Apr 22, 2021 celric · 441

Rapid Response x3 on Nick and Maria will actually deliver you more resources over the course of most games than Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Quincarrier.

If you are working GMW, that will make Collector 1 tougher, but probably make the remainder easier.

Happy testing!

Apr 22, 2021 Dcellio · 3

I actually ran Collector 1 twice on expert because I incorrectly shuffled all of the Ship Control cards at the beginning of the game and realized when I advanced to the third stage that wasn’t right. I beat it both times without any real trouble, If anything the collection allowed me to remove some less than optimal cards and thin the deck even more. Besides, does Rapid Response work against the Collector? You can’t play the card from the discard if it never goes there.