Spider-Woman - Stunfusion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Woman - Stunfusion 2.0 2 1 0 2.0

sp00ne · 83

This deck is just a lot of fun to play. It stuns. It confuses.

The priority is getting your Finesse x2 into play as well as your Martial Prowess and Sense of Justice. With these cards in play, you will be able to play more of the cards from your hand. I think that the clear favorite for this deck is Pheromones. But, Drop Kick and Concussive Blow do a good job of getting the villain off your back for a turn.

You will be getting some extra card draws with Press the Advantage, and Clear the Area, and well as flipping to alter-ego mode and using Jessica Drew's Apartment.

Since Spider-Woman is pretty good at making basic attacks/thwarts, I included the two upgrades that boost those stats, Combat Training and Heroic Intuition. When you are able to pump her stats up by 2 or 3 by playing aspect cards, AND these upgrades give you an extra +1, AND you can use Self-Propelled Glide to really lay down some hurt with your ATK or THW.

The cards that I'm not completely sold on are "You'll Pay for That!" and Running Interference. I included these because they are thwart events, and I was looking for some more thwart events to balance out the attack events. I definitely use Running Interference when playing expert mode, and it has a physical resource that helps to pay for Drop Kick and Concussive Blow. There are probably a lot of basic cards that might work better, but I did not want to include any basic cards in this deck, since almost all of Spider-Woman's perks deal exclusively with aspect cards.

Anyways, this is my first "published" deck. I hope that you enjoy it. I always play multiplayer, and this deck is pretty versatile. The biggest weakness is probably the low number of allies. With this decklist, I have found that she is able to remove a lot of threat and deal a significant amount of damage.


Apr 16, 2021 neothechosen · 10654

Hi! Cool list, I used to run a "stun" deck with SW too (https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/4218/spider-woman-stuns-1.0), but that used protection.

About the cards you're not sold on, IMO you can remove Running Interference and play something else entirely. Turn the Tide comes to mind if you've got the Scarlet Witch pack, free extra damage... IF your deck has enough THW. If it doesn't, For Justice! comes to mind, it's more flexible than Running Interference.

Also, using "You'll Pay for That!" with this hero... Face-tanking isn' t a strategy that seems like a good fit for her. Maybe use those slots for allies as you said you don't have many? Some of them could actually thwart if you did use "You'll Pay for That!" for it regularly. Brawn, Sentry come to mind.

I know basics aren't pushing her, but Deft Focus (if you have GMW) seems like a good way to Self-Propelled Glide for free, and play Contaminant Immunity and Pheromones at a discount.

Still at the core, you run a good list, it really depends where you want to take it. There's so many cards now it becomes impossible to not question a lot when you build something!

Have fun!

Apr 16, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

I agree with neo (I mean he is the chosen one so who am I to disagree)

I would take out "You'll Pay for That!" and Running Interference but I would go with some more supports and upgrades. That way you can shrink your deck the second time through and get her op hero event cards back into play. Options depending on villain/scenario would be: hall of heroes, jarnbjorn, Lie and Wait, Counter Intelligence, Spycraft (don't hate), but definitely for solo I would always have Under Surveillance just in case.

I like this build its very strong with a few personal changes I could see this hitting my table often.

Apr 16, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

Honestly my favorite aspects with SW is leadership and protection because I make Captain Marvel even more powerful with upgrades and keep her alive the whole game. But this build makes me want to re-evaluate aggression/justice builds.

Apr 17, 2021 neothechosen · 10654


lol you made my day!

Indeed, thinning your deck may be a good idea. Under Surveillance, absolutely! Maybe Skilled Investigator too.