Escape from New York (Spider-Man + Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
spider-man justicia 0 0 0 1.0

joruiru · 205

[English below]


Como todos los mazos de justicia, se trata de controlar el plan mediante eventos o apoyos y así podemos liberar a Spiderman para que haga lo que sabe hacer... PEGAR!

Gracias a la habilidad pasiva de Spiderman de robar una carta cada vez que le atacan, no vamos a tener problemas de recursos. ¡He llegado a tener 13 cartas en mano!

Añadimos Ataque sigiloso y Golpe contundente como cartas para ayudar en ataque y no depender exclusivamente de los Balanceo con patada


Like all justice decks, it's about controlling the main scheme via events and support cards, and so, Spider-man is free to do what he knows... FIGHT!

Thanks to Spider-man's passive ability to draw a card every time he is attacked, we will not have resource problems. I've had 13 cards in hand!

I added Stealth Attack and Concussive Blow to help in attack and not depend exclusively on Swinging Web Kick


Jan 12, 2021 Ravellion · 7

If you defend against a minion, or defend for one of the other players, the villain does not initiate its attack against you. At most, Spider-Man's ability lets you draw a card once. Furthermore, at the end of the player phase, you must draw up to or discard down to your hand size, so it cannot be possible to have 13 cards in hand with this deck.

Jan 25, 2021 joruiru · 205

Yes, you can!! Well... not literally 13 cards in hand at same time, because you have to play some, but...

You can start you turn with 7 cards (the villain attacks you twice) and you can get 1 more defeating a side scheme and having Skilled Investigator in play. 3 more playing Nick Fury using resources from cards in play (Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Web-Shooter) and Peter Parker's ability. And finally, 2 more playing Black Cat.

At the end of your turn, you have managed 13 cards from your hand.