The Black Catling Gun 6.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bthemeans · 32

Black Cat can attack with no consequential damage, so this deck dedicates a robust team of tacticians and scientists towards her doing that as much as possible.

Use Suit-Up to search for Black Cat and Sidearm and play those together as soon as possible. The other copy of Suit-Up can help you search for Inspired to also attach to Black Cat. With both equipped, she does at least 3 damage per shot while taking no consequential damage from herself, and the Ranged from her Sidearm protects her from any Retaliate.

Black Panther is also helpful for searching for a Suit-Up to help make sure you can find Black Cat and her upgrades, or banking a Get Ready if she is already equipped.

After you have Black Cat equipped with Sidearm and Inspired, you have plenty of Get Ready and Command Team cards to repeatedly ready her and keep her shooting multiple times per turn. You also have R&D Facility to buff Black Cat for especially big turns. Cyclops can also bump the damage per shot against an enemy for a turn.

Because Black Cat can carry the damage needs, that frees up Spider-Man and his versatile kit to deal with everything else in the game. He has solid defense, Enhanced Spider-Sense can sidestep the worst encounters without even having to draw the next one, and Backflip can dodge the biggest hits. You don't have to worry about attacking with him.

6.0 Edit:
-2 Multitalented
-1 Falcon
-1 Call for Backup

+2 R&D Facility
+1 Kid Omega
+1 Cyclops