Colossus - Toughen Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

madl3r · 30

Colossus is an absolute powerhouse and can flat out win the game solo by pressuring the Villain turn after turn. His only weakness is, of course, his THW, but we have built around that a bit.

Colossus is a Toughness machine, generating 1 Toughness each time he flips from Alter-Ego to Hero. You’ll want to be doing that a lot. Even better, he can have 2 Toughness on him at once.

Organic Steel can help keep Colossus stacked with Toughness, and Bulletproof Protector can regenerate Toughness when you’re running low. Titanium Muscles can also generate up to two resources for Colossus each turn, allowing you to empty your hand.

As for the threat management, Chase Them Down allows you to double-dip by taking down a minion and removing 2 Threat from any scheme.

Professor X can be deployed as emergency threat management with 3 Thwart with the added bonus of being able to Stun or Confuse the Villain to buy you a turn.

Once you have your Toughness machine set up, you can begin laying into the Villain by using Steel Fist to deal 5 damage (plus Stun/Confuse if you discard a Toughness) and Made of Rage to deal a minimum of 8 damage with just your basic ATK.

Line up any three of your X-Men allies including Wolverine, Magik, Shadowcat, or Angel and utilize Team Strike for a big finisher.


Jan 28, 2025 Starlordxx · 239

I like the concepts you included here.

I think I would personally make some changes to better suit my play style a bit more. The key to being able to flip down regularly is holding a copy of Armor Up or to Confuse the villain via Professor X and Steel Fist with the addition of playing Psylocke

With any additional Threat to be handled by Allies and Chase Them Down this would allow me to remove the 2x Gatekeeper

That would leave me with 1 more card slot, which I would add in Helicarrier to help me cover the costs of the more expensive allies and if not needed by myself, I could benefit my teammates any given turn.

The last change I would make would be to remove Shadow and Steel and add in Boot Camp Because I like leaning into the clear focus of powering up Team Strike Shot, I'd run 41 cards to run a third copy of it.

Thanks for reading my comment!

Jan 28, 2025 madl3r · 30

Thanks for the feedback! I don’t have the Wolverine or Wasp packs, so I can’t run Psylocke or Boot Camp, but those look like solid adds.

I agree that Gatekeeper is on the chopping block, though. Although I only played one game with this deck so far, I was pressuring the Villain so much that there was hardly ever any threat on the Main Scheme. I may even cut First Aid since I’m utilizing Toughness so much.