Green is the new yellow

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

esarsanedas · 3

Deck focused on multiplayer in scenarios with several secondary plans.


Setup: Mulligan for Keen Instincts, then focus on Sense of Justice and Skilled Investigator. Avoid taking Wolfsbane until you have those upgrades because it discard cards.

Strategy: Use of Even the Odds whenever you're drowning in secondary plans. Always use Crosscounter since you should defend every attack (plus 2/3 damage and 2 thwart for free) and rely on events for attacks or thwarts. Select Defense specialization if you defeat the player side scheme.

Your Conditioning Room support, Nebula, alter-ego action and Wolfsbane help you to fetch more events, so once you're set up you'll be playing 3 events per turn.

Cards deliberately not included vs usual solo scenarios:

  • One Way or Another is a trap in 4 players games because of how schemes scale with the number of players.
  • Turn the Tide is a good card, but you won't be able to remove all threat as easily as in solo. However, it could still be included.
  • Clear the Area: same reason as before.

Other cards that coud be in this deck:

  • Problem Solvers: very useful if you have an Avenger partner.
  • Spider-Man: expensive but can remove up to 20 threat (only side shcemes) if he stays on the table for 4 turns. Costs 6 resources (5 plus card itself).
