Avengers Shieldwall - Thor Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StLion · 1141



Raise the shield wall!

Hold the front line!

Fight 'til death!

Avengers Shieldwall

It is not a secret anymore, Thor was boosted into the stratosphere by two new cards. This deck uses them both: Squared Off and Face the Past to make it take on Expert Villains. This deck also includes:

  • Some of the strongest openings in the game
  • A good solo experience
  • Strong flexibility
  • The Avengers Theme
  • Fun puzzles and gameplay decisions


Start with value cards like Squared Off, Face the Past, Nick Fury and White Tiger. Then transition into an Avengers Shieldwall of allies with Mighty Avengers and finish the game with Avengers Assemble!

Gameplan & Guide

When we start we are looking for strong openers. Face the Past and Squared Off with Nick Fury or White Tiger let us draw cards early. Valuable tempo to get setup fast.

You might want to aggressively mulligan for this unless you see Asgard or For Asgard! in your starting hand. Then it might be worth to prioritize those. If you have to ditch Asgard you can also use your Build Support to get it back. Build Support is effectively just a second chance at Asgard.

On your first deckpass it is recommended to put down (in Order of Importance):

Second Deckpass and nice to have:

Since this deck stays in Hero Form a lot of the time, try to get Mjolnir down turn 1.

Use Squared Off as much as possible, there are a lot of allies in this deck. Only 3 of them are not Avengers and you will only use them in the early- and midgame. You will close out the game with a Shieldwall of Avengers.

Maria Hill and Nick Fury are value cards to get you going early. Maria and Nick have one activation and should block, so they should not be around for long. Lady Sif can ready Thor or Odinson and can effectively provide and extra recovery or help you make an explosive turn. It is fine to play her in the midgame, she should not be featured in your final Shieldwall, because she (and Nick and Maria) do not work with your finisher and break Mighty Avengers.

The Shieldwall

As you setup you will likely play a lot of Avengers that come and go. Some will stick around though. Captain America and Ant-Man should have a lot of health and can stay around until you can play your finisher Avengers Assemble!.

Black Panther works as a extra way to obtain Avengers Assemble!. He can however also grab Make the Call and Squared Off to help you build or setup an ally from your (or another players) discard.

Hawkeye lets you snipe enemies that you put into play with Squared Off or even shoot at Loki from Face the Past.

Your Shieldwall could look like this:

The Finisher

Once you have 5 Avengers allies in play with at least 2 activations each remaining it is the perfect time for:

Avengers Assemble!!!!

  • Attack with each Avenger (including Thor)
  • Play Avengers Assemble!
  • Attack with each Avenger again (but with +1 Attack)

With the above mentioned Shieldwall (including Mighty Avengers) this comes down to:

  • 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 (17) on the first activation (includes Thor)
  • 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 (23) on the second activation (includes Thor)

That's 40 damage! Enough to get you through any stage 3 Villain in solo.

In a perfect world. To make sure the world is as perfect as it can be, you have a toolkit of allies:

The Toolkit

There is whole toolkit of allies here to help out. You can access them from your discard if you draw Make the Call.

  • Squirrel Girl is the Queen of Pings. She can remove toughs or damage a lot of minions.
  • Black Knight is our answer to Tough. Aside from Lightning Strike versus minions, it is our best way to clear a Tough from a villain.
  • Black Panther with Make the Call can bank blue cards for you to setup a finisher or Make the Call next round again.
  • Falcon can scout the Villain deck and help against Loki, because you can make sure you can remove him this round.
  • Nick Fury has a potential 6 damage / 3 cards / 4 threat remove built in.


There are certain cards that shine in Multiplayer that I have included in this deck. I'll give them a short shout-out:

  • Avengers Assemble! Gives each Avenger +1/+1. If you can start the round using it (after using each of your allies)
  • Make the Call and Maria Hill are essential to play at the round start. Let's every player draw a card. Bonkers value in any 4-player game.
  • Squirrel Girl does a lot of damage with more than 1 minion on the board. She scales well in multiplayer.
  • Make the Call can access any players discard. Keep a lookout for potential good Avengers friend in other aspects or hero specific allies with the Avengers Trait from other discard piles. Such a fun card in multiplayer.
  • Use your cheaper allies to chump block for friends.


Any minions with Quickstrike or Environments that give minions Quickstrike counter this deck pretty hard. The Mojo Files is pretty harsh.

Low minion count. The fewer minions, the less you can use Squared Off reliably. If you can, memorize how many minions are in the deck and keep in mind which ones you cannot handle or do not want to see. Always keep a count of how many minions are still in the encounter deck and play accordingly. If there are no minions, you cannot square anyone off. Use it as a ressource then and try to play as effective as possible. If there are no minions in the game, it might be especially worth to play Face the Past to get your nemesis in the enocunter deck.

If you enjoyed this Write-Up, consider leaving a heart at the top. Let me know in the comments how you liked the deck. Thanks so much!


Dec 16, 2024 boomguy · 1502

Love the inclusion of Face the Past! Blue Thor is my new favorite build!

Dec 16, 2024 StLion · 1141

@boomguy dude, I saw your deck as I was testing this and kept thinking: you nailed it. Thanks so much for checking out my list. As you said, it is fun how everyone gets a different idea how to build their blue Thor

Dec 16, 2024 boomguy · 1502

I love that everyone has a slightly different interpretation! Makes the game great

Dec 16, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1250

This looks fun! Glad to see people giving thor new life with the new cards

Dec 17, 2024 StLion · 1141

@Castlefrank47 hope you enjoy it! He has had a second coming truely. I am yet to figure out one list for Come Get me Bub, though. Always testing for my Asgardian

Dec 18, 2024 saintmatthew · 39

Love this. Absolutely solid. I think I'd trade out Triskellion for Avengers Tower and Nick Fury for War Machine.

Dec 18, 2024 StLion · 1141

@saintmatthew Thank you for the praise. I have playtested Avengers Tower and it can be good in scenarios without allies from the encounter (like Hope Summers). War Machine is a solid idea - for what its worth Goliath also works well with Avengers Assemble. Let me know how it works out!