Anticipate a Change of Fortune

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 7369

Prepare to Anticipate

I don't think I've ever thought much of Anticipation. However, now that we have "Come Get Me, Bub!", Anticipation can now bring about a controlled ready (and with Black Widow, an extra string of damages).

It's kinda nice. Have Widow's Bite and Anticipation out. Play "Come Get Me, Bub!". You may get a minion, but then you'll heal 3 (which is nice for Black Widow's low health), get a tough (also nice for Black Widow's low health), ready from Anticipation, do a damage somewhere, activate Widow's Bite to do 2 damage to a minion and stun it, then do a damage somewhere else.

In fact, either by Synth-Suit or by Anticipation, you get to ready if you were already exhausted from defending the villain's attack previously. Though the best Synth-Suit readies come from cancelling a treachery through Grappling Hook.

That's not too bad. And Black Widow can control a lot of things because of Safe House #29.

Change of Fortune

Because of the preparation cards and her Hero Effect, it's really easy to be able to take an enemy out on the villain phase. You can use Riposte on a defense, or use your preparations to do damage to a minion. Either way, you get to draw. In fact, the reason Nova is here is to help you get a minion to one or two health left where preparations can finish the job. The Quincarrier can help you with that (or paying for Riposte).


You're welcome to add in the other available preparations if you want. The deck gets pretty thin by your second shuffle, which is good because you really want to see Dance of Death on your third time through, and you really like cancelling extra treacheries with Grappling Hook. They all mean extra damage. I played with a couple of Espionages. It went well. It was nice to spend two to then get it back after a surge which helps prevent the tempo shift from a surge. It was also nice to leave them out there and help with the cost of Winter Soldier. But the others are nice too, like Target Acquired (a must in Expert 2 if you ask me) and Defensive Stance (which I've never enjoyed for some reason). But a reminder that they exist.

Your role with this deck to is to summon and control minions. Protect the board through your preparations. And never forget, in multiplayer, Attacrobatics can cancel the boost icons when the villain schemes too.


Sep 27, 2024 Greg · 430

I love this! Luring minions into your traps seems so fitting for Black Widow! Great deck as always.

Sep 27, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 681

I haven't played Black widow in ages, this seems like a good deck to tryout with her!

Sep 27, 2024 HeroicSkeleton · 394

Funnily enough, I just built a very similar Widow Fortune deck within minutes of you posting this! Mine is completely untested though. Yours looks very solid

Sep 28, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5463

Yesssss! Anticipation is really good now with "Come Get Me, Bub!", I’ve ran it a lot with Psylocke and it is very fun!

Sep 28, 2024 Goatzilla · 133

Love it!

Sep 28, 2024 corbintm · 1781

Was working on something similar! Love the idea of triggering anticipation in the hero phase with come get me - it's the best way to take advantage of that synth suit in the hero phase.

Sep 29, 2024 Boardgametime · 1

Looks like a really awesome, fun deck. Thank you so much for sharing! Loved your feature on the Winning Hand Podcast btw! Great work!

Sep 29, 2024 theromeo3517 · 1972

I had anticipation unsleeved since I never used it, but this combo give me a reason to include it again! Very cool deck

Sep 30, 2024 andyr · 7369

@Greg Thanks :D definitely felt right up her alley

@Castlefrank47 I hope it goes well. I like her a ton, but it's hard to be patient with the preparations.

@HeroicSkeleton I hope to see yours as well! It's definitely a fun archetype to put her in

@Man-is-Obsolete right?! It's been fun to see Anticipation take on new life!

@Goatzilla Thanks!

@corbintm I can't wait to see what you're working on!

@Boardgametime oh man! thanks so much. I really appreciate that. I'm grateful y'all have given my decks a chance, and let me be a part of the community. And it was so fun to be on Winning Hand. I was definitely nervous so i appreciate the kind words on it.

@theromeo3517 haha, right?! I think this is the first deck I've ever built that has Anticipation in it

Sep 30, 2024 boomguy · 773

Gnarly! I’m going to give this one a whirl!

Oct 04, 2024 andyr · 7369

Thanks, @boomguy! I hope it's as much fun for you as it's been for me