Dads of Future Past: Part I

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

doubleonad · 123

This is one of a pair of decks that must be played together. The other deck is located here:

We are in a terrible timeline - one worse than a dystopian nightmare where giant robots are rounding up mutants and putting them into concentration camps. Scott and Nathan are having a simultaneous mid-life Crisis! Consequently, they're also having a mid-life Accelerate, Amplify, and Hazard.

They bought a sports car: Car

And wrecked it: Wreck

Nathan is skipping work... Work
...and trying to pick up younger women: Women

Scott even went skydiving without a parachute! Skydive

These dads are out of control, and it's up to the kids and their friend Kitty to fix the timeline again and get things back to the way they should be: Punch

How it works:

The key combo here is Cable putting out Live Dangerously during setup, and Cyclops using Shadowcat to cancel the icons on it. Ideally you play this in a 4 player game so everyone can reap the benefits of the increased hand size, but it works perfectly fine with just 2. The only drawback in 2 player is that you can't put out other player side schemes because they will discard Live Dangerously. If you ever are forced to discard it (like if Technovirus Resurgence comes up), you can use Professor to get it back.

First and foremost, mulligan everything to find Shadowcat. She is the single most important part of these decks. You can keep "To Me, My X-Men!" in hand for an extra chance to find her.
You'll be playing Kitty every round in order to keep Live Dangerously under control. Let's talk about how to accomplish that:

  • There are several ways to recur her, but Mutant Mayhem is the best. Both decks have 3 copies so it is rare that neither player has one of these available.
  • You also have Regroup to save her after using her to block. (Don't forget about +1 HP from Uncanny X-Men. Make sure she dies!)
  • You can fish her out of the discard pile with Pixie.
  • And you have Med Lab in case she dies of consequential damage. But really the best way to use Med Lab is to stash Pixie so you don't have to keep her in your hand from turn to turn. Just let her damage out and hang in the lab in case you ever don't have a Mayhem available.

If you find yourself with extra copies of Mutant Mayhem, bouncing Pixie, Professor X, or especially Phoenix will get you some great "when played" effects.

Storm is here to dump extra threat onto Live Dangerously, because we don't care about thwarting it.

Honorary X-Men can be played on your identity to keep Uncanny X-Men functioning while in alter ego, Or in a pinch you can use it on a scenario-specific guest character like Magneto. But most importantly it will allow you to play Shadowcat from AE as well.

Field Commander lets you go first, so you can get the nasty icons on the side scheme out of the way. Mutant Mayhem is an action, so players can request it out of turn, but sometimes it's just safer/easier to have the first turn and get the recursion out of the way early.

You have 3 Psionic allies and Cerebro, in case you just can't seem to find Kitty.

You'll be putting an X-men ally out every turn, so you'll get lots of mileage out of Utopia.

Cell Phone will let you get some out-of-turn activations in, so you can use allies a little more before you bounce them. Also, I just like the idea of the dads calling to check on the kids. "Where are you? In the future again? I don't care if you can time travel - just be home by 9:00."

Because of the extra hand size, it doesn't feel as bad to save cards from turn to turn. So don't be afraid to keep a copy of Mutant Mayhem to ensure you can keep the combo rolling.

Here are some other allies I've considered for this deck. Just make sure to swap instead of adding, so you can keep the deck at 40. You really need to find Kitty on the first turn if possible. Obviously, Cyclops is really flexible in this respect, so if you have a favorite X-men ally, give it a try. Anything with a "when played" effect is really going to shine here.

  • Colossus if you feel like you need extra blocking.
  • Triage can put out some good healing.
  • Angel because he's cheap.
  • Forge is also cheap and there are enough X-men supports for him to grab.
  • Beak for extra thwart, but these decks are both fairly thwarty already.

This my first published deck idea. Let me know if you like it. Please tell me if you think I'm missing something that should be in here or if I made any mistakes, Thanks for checking it out!


Jul 30, 2024 Redbear64 · 372

Really cool decks. I think it's a shame that linked multiplayer decks like this don't get much of a spotlight on here. Keep up the good work!

Jul 30, 2024 doubleonad · 123

Thanks! I really enjoy thinking about deck building specifically for multiplayer, because that's how I almost always play. And you're right, there isn't much focus on it here, so I like seeing what I can come up with that's not a fully self-contained deck.

Jul 31, 2024 boothwah · 81

Love linked decks. I switched to two handed solo deck after GMW and deck building pairs is really fun. Thanks for the write up.

Aug 03, 2024 Stormmaster1 · 8

Have you considered adding in the Black Panther ally to bring in mutant mayhem or make the call as needed?

Aug 05, 2024 doubleonad · 123

Black Panther is not an X-men, so he would break the bonus of Uncanny X-men. Make the Call doesn't work here because Shadowcat has to be played from your hand to get her effect, and Make the Call says "put into play." Between the two decks, I have never had a turn where I didn't have some way to get Shadowcat back out. Thank you for the suggestion though.

The only issue I've run into is getting unlucky with her being at the bottom of the deck to start. But even then, it's not the end of the world because all players are still getting +2 cards a round. The only real danger is the crisis icon on the Live Dangerously scheme. So as long as you can handle a couple rounds of not thwarting the main scheme, you can survive not finding Kitty right away.