Iron Man - Mark AAR ( Always Aerial and Ready )

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Charles · 566


« - Pepper, F.R.I.D.A.Y, Jarvis, drop my needle ! »

With this deck, Tony finds the perfect balance between tech cards, genius trait and untap. Ho, and you will never defend with this deck. No need to …

Combos :

  • Ingenuity will trigger EVERY TURN Iron Man Rocket Boots. You want to be aerial every turn. Why ?

  • Soaring Acrobatics and your armor upgrades will love aerial. You can counter for three, attack for two … but you can multiple it everything turn by two, three, or four … how ?

  • Well, this deck is full of untap cards : Repurpose, Ever Vigilant, Arc Reactor … it’s just crazy to clean the bord every turn ( in solo or even duo ).

  • How to be ready to be a real war-machine ? (Haha !) Well, you have twelve tech upgrades : in one ( or two ) turns, you’ll be ready for anything ! Forcefield Generator and Energy Barrier will defend for you, then you’ll just have to Repurpose them.

  • Bonus : you have a high rate of energy ressources, perfect for your Repulsor Blast !

I had a lot of fun and power with this deck in my last fight, so you will !

Have fun !


Jul 18, 2024 Hankmardugas · 1

This is a fun and super thematic deck! I'm curious about why you included power in all of us? I ended up swapping it out for Leading Blow, but might try some other energy resource cards.

Jul 18, 2024 Charles · 566

Hey ! Thank you for your kind words !

Well, power in all of us … there is actually two reasons :

1 - Helping to play Nick Fury, Soaring Acrobatics, Ingenuity and Ironheart easily.

2 - If you have no luck, Ingenuity can be hard to find. Pepper Potts can generate a mental ressource with The Power in All of Us and trigger Rocket Boots. But it is mostly for the first reason.

Jul 19, 2024 Charles · 566

`@Hankmardugas, Leading Blow is a good alternative to The Power in All of Us, but if i had to choose, maybe What Doesn't Kill Me is even better :-) ( but more expensive … )

Jul 19, 2024 Charles · 566

And I see now all the interest of Leading Blow … Untap, Energy ressource, 0 cost, Repurpose combination … you’re right it’s a really good idea !

Jul 24, 2024 Hankmardugas · 1

Thanks for the insight!